Sunday, 24 July 2011

21 Days to Self Freedom Expounded - 4 count breath explained

Day 73 of 100 Days 100 Breaths in 100 Ways

The variety of ways that I breath the more variety of thought and perspectives I have available.  Also noticing the less the "Sticks to me".

I still get caught up in useless thought processes of things i don't desire in my life, but I become conscious of that so quickly now and I'm able to redirect awareness, instead of disappearing for ages into thought and emotions that no longer serve.

I appreciate stopping on the stairs, and consciously breathing a deep long breath from start to finish, then continuing my journey.

I love that I have remained committed to breathing...(she giggles) these 100 breaths.

Below are some notes from the video above:

21 Days to Self Freedom Expounded - 4 count breath explained

Here is another way to breath!

Who is to judge?

Breath is the path to life...what beatiful ways are there to breathe?

I love how beings are!

Be Glorious!

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Are You Ready to commit to your own Transformation?

Its easy - Breath
Its Free- Its Air
Its Fun - Be creative
Its Life - Now just deliberate