Monday, 25 July 2011

Shine Your Light by Cheryl Lee Harnish

Day 75 of 2nd Round of 100 Days 100 Breaths in 100 Ways

I did my breaths quietly today, laying down and just being.  By the way that is a change, I have been doing them active for the last week or so.    And as I came out I set my intent for the day to do things and participate in opportunities in new ways using this question.

"Why am I noticing so much more today."

The fun here is that the brain dashes to answer that question, and so I have had some fun explorative observations today.

I have put the above video in because it is a fabulous watch and there are some wonderful messages inside the video.  I particularly liked at about 7.01 where Cheryl says ...."It is a conscious breathing energy that is shifting how people are experiencing their lives"....

As I hold breath to be a metaphor of life, I enjoy the idea of breath being the ever connecting bridge of transformation and exchange.....(still exploring this).

So as I continue my journey below are some notes that I took a number of years ago - when I began to realise that living is really up to me!

  • If my life sux - its because I have been paying attention to "sucky things"
  • My life is a direct result of where I have been placing my attention.
  • If I have been thinking about sad, sorry ass, un-useful things, that keep me feeling bad, ABSOLUTELY they will reflect and show up in my life.
  • If I have been thinking about happy, delicious, fun-filled, exciting, creative and joy filled thoughts, ABSOLUTELY they will reflect and show up in my life.
  • Each moment I get to choose if I'm going to tune into sucky thoughts or Thoughts that RATE!

I find this even more profound today as I realise even more

If i don't like it (the way life is unfolding).  Then I must, and only me, MUST find another way of telling my story, another way of "beating my drum", find another rhythm to dance too.

Pure Bliss in a up to me

Thanks so much
Joy your ride today!

"The continual rhythm of my life, the beat of the drum I have habituated directly influences what I am currently experiencing in my reality."  Now in My Heart

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Are You Ready to commit to your own Transformation?

Its easy - Breath
Its Free- Its Air
Its Fun - Be creative
Its Life - Now just deliberate