Saturday, 28 April 2012

Day 39 100 Freedom Breaths

"Celestial intervention"

As I awaken to the light of intention
A subtle shift that magnifies my attention
The release of free flow expression
Pours in streams from my soul
A readiness to be a vessel that overflows
Saturating myself in Surrender
Discovering the exquisite yet delicate touch of connection
Electrifies within me an awareness beyond myself

The deep dark shadows and valleys I have walked through
Have strengthen me beyond what I could have imagined
The whisperings of horror....that echoed have transformed into a quite breeze that teaches me
The meanderings and wanderings within the unknown have revealed patience and curiosity
The dragons and demons that once threatened me - I have now met and made peace with.
The separation I deluded myself about I can now see through the illusion

Now the time and space is right
Exposure is now my freedom
I will No longer hiding under clothes of pretence
It is imminent
I accept the awaiting presence
Truth will speak through these hands

I must before others declare this. 

Thank you ♥♥♥

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Are You Ready to commit to your own Transformation?

Its easy - Breath
Its Free- Its Air
Its Fun - Be creative
Its Life - Now just deliberate