Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Day 40 100 Freedom Breaths

As I continue the inner exploration there is a lot of learning taking place.  It seems the deeper I go the simpler things are.  Funny that being that the move through complexity reveals simplicity.  Below is a poem that I wrote the other day...

“Dark Shadows Pure Gems”

Was now many years gone by, upon the kitchen floor curled I would cry
Children asleep, stories been read, my hand wiped gently forehead
The cold floor, earth need, for from my house I could not speed
Stuck in a hole of misery, I limped through life deliriously
They could have been days where only children song delight
But know – I had created my own plight
The gift was given of dark void within to spin
For at the time I never knew the beauty of sorrow found within
It seemed an endless pit of blackness, broken dishes, money matters
I couldn’t have know the riches I would find until heart ache shatters
Within the pieces, all strewn around were delicate wealth
I tried, I cried, I stood, I fell, I held my focus to grow children health
The songs we sung open in joy during the day
Where weeping and misery when in bed I lay
Then all at once, I realise - it’s open heart wonder and faith blues skies
When breathing within I could feel alive, and know the soul never dies
Then within small things I began to find gratitude love and heart of mankind
My daily steps more purposeful then, it’s moment delight instead of a grind
Those days now I love, within my soul knows,
Without deep dark shadows, I never could grow,
I needed to feel to know this depth true for this is the potential of me and you
To create something from the broken of heart is to echo a light into the dark
This song is a joyful and beautiful one for I discovered the essence and spark
So now when its dark and cold anywhere – I know that its diamonds, gold, gems, earth rare
These gifts are a mystery how they are found, yet life is a miracle discover in prayer.
Faith and trust remarkable songs as the message of love expresses, pure heart gongs

(c) 2012 Karyn Janelle Davis

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Are You Ready to commit to your own Transformation?

Its easy - Breath
Its Free- Its Air
Its Fun - Be creative
Its Life - Now just deliberate