Monday, 29 August 2011

Spiritual Strip-teeze

Here is the beautiful creation of Spiritual Strip-teeze.

We are seeking 12 people to are artists and explorers in their own right. Who are open to be expressive and allow their true expression of self to be revealed.

Its time to have way more fun with the expansion and growth factor. To within metaphor play with the idea of spiritual strip-teeze revealing ones self to ourself and allowing other to be them.

WITHOUT all the labels and identities and Have TO's and MUSTS and proper, normal expected behaviours!

Yes enjoying the pleasure of using the fun aspects of playfulness to enjoy, more and more of who we are.

My discovery of myself is that the more freely I allow myself to unravel and enjoy the moment the more I can allow others to be free.

This alone removes old stories and old patterns of behaviour from continuing to plague and rule our lives. This allows a new way of being to emerge and to unfold and express in new ways.

Our current awareness, and my current awareness is just that - CURRENT. What else is possible?

What else could we explore through the removal of layers of ways of being, years of habitual patterning, decades of expectations, centuries of programming and condition.

What else will emerge when we freely dance and drop our layers of clothing?

What songs beats your drum?

Which movement best allows you?

Which expression are you feeling excite about - turned on by?

What your free passion when its allowed?

Spiritual nature and human nature and dancing and allowing male or female, seen or unseen, simply enjoying YOU!

Enjoy your day - your flow your pure divine dance of life.


Saturday, 27 August 2011

Karyn Janelle Davis

I'm excited - things are changing so fast around me now.   I am noticing the changes and sometimes wondering "wow how did that happen so fast?"  I notice I'm thinking differently, I am experiencing myself in new ways, and change is in the air - there are fresh green leaves on the trees - Spring has burst out across New Zealand.

The above picture is taken on my walk today by the river...sweet beautiful fresh smells of spring.  I took off my shoes and put my feet into the ice cold river.   Biting cold!   And I did my 100 Freedom breaths in my bare feet.  My heart sang with joy.

I read this on my FB Page today.

‎"Your Life is A Duplicate of Your Consciousness.You create by saying what you want and know that is right for you to have it .People who know that their THOUGHTS create their REALITY do not live their lives in fear. They understand and cooperate with the laws of the universe. They know the results they get is a reflection of the energy they give out. When you realize this you also realize that your life is an exact duplication of your thoughts. So when you look at your own life, you can always see right down to the exact detail what your thoughts are, because your body, your relationships and your life is a feedback mechanism of your MIND. Prosperity or Poverty... The CHOICE is Yours!."~John Ramsey

My discovery has been very much - this experience of myself. And to see through the current illusion is the beautiful creation process to begin to see it as new. To begin to create from another space - the breath helps this.

Yes I see my externals as I have created them to be.
Yes I am able to breath and be present
Yes I am able to allow a new way of being to emerge
Yes I breath life Into this new way of being.
Yes - therefore it is.

The power of the breath becomes even more exciting in this regard. Every breath I take, every step I take, every thought I make is me emerging in a moment in time.

My current perspective is difference than it used to be - The powerful question here is - am I seeing differently or using old filters. Perhaps its time to change my story.

And then a new story
And then a new story

Each breath allows a new moment of possibility.

My limitations are only my limitations according to me allowing my potentiality to expand.

Thank you my beautiful friends.

The 100 freedom breaths continues to take me on a journey into the creation process and beginning to really explore the co-creation process.  Now that's a breath taker!....

Karyn Janelle Davis:

'via Blog this'

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Take a DEEP breath!

Day 88 of 2nd 100 Days of 100 Breaths

Yes - I'm still a breather!

And as I have been delving into the different aspects of breathing I have been searching other peoples perspectives and approaches and thoughts....therefore into YouTube I went.

This video introduces flooding your body with oxygen.

Lungs shaped like tear drops, try doing body breathing instead of just chest breathing.

Benefits according to Huia
  • Mental Clarity - Enjoy your Breath a lot more.
  • Calmness
Breath technique is a reference to Alexander Technique.

Awesome Thanks HUIA.

FACT - you actual practice breathing inside the womb!  Interesting huh!

I personally don't think it matters exactly how you breathe. For every breath is a moment to live in a variety of ways.  Joy your and your way - and hey try breathing in as many different ways as you can and begin to in those moments become even more self aware!  

The more breath options and choices and ways the more fun....

However - brilliant!!!!

Have a fabulous day.
Karyn Janelle Davis

Are You Ready to commit to your own Transformation?

Its easy - Breath
Its Free- Its Air
Its Fun - Be creative
Its Life - Now just deliberate