Saturday, 28 April 2012

Day 39 100 Freedom Breaths

"Celestial intervention"

As I awaken to the light of intention
A subtle shift that magnifies my attention
The release of free flow expression
Pours in streams from my soul
A readiness to be a vessel that overflows
Saturating myself in Surrender
Discovering the exquisite yet delicate touch of connection
Electrifies within me an awareness beyond myself

The deep dark shadows and valleys I have walked through
Have strengthen me beyond what I could have imagined
The whisperings of horror....that echoed have transformed into a quite breeze that teaches me
The meanderings and wanderings within the unknown have revealed patience and curiosity
The dragons and demons that once threatened me - I have now met and made peace with.
The separation I deluded myself about I can now see through the illusion

Now the time and space is right
Exposure is now my freedom
I will No longer hiding under clothes of pretence
It is imminent
I accept the awaiting presence
Truth will speak through these hands

I must before others declare this. 

Thank you ♥♥♥

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Day 38 100 Freedom Breaths


The Naming of Papakan'je has occurred - A calling of the homeland by the sea to the mountains across the world.

In'tha Next Season...
13 Moons Beyond...


"... Dreamed This Dream... Papakan'je Must Honour..."

Three Days...
13 Moons Beyond...
When'tha Monarch's Rise...

"... There Will Be... 3 Days... Sunshine..."

Only 3...
In This 13th Moon...

You Must Find'tha...
"... Place Of'yer Comfort.."

And, Wait... Unclothed... Within'yer Peace...

Each Of These Days...

One Papakan'je Will Lie Upon'yer Prone Skin...

One Will Lie...
On'tha Thin Muscle...
At'yer Left Side Knee...

"... You Will... See This... And, Know..."

The Next Two...

Perhaps On Head...
Perhaps On Shoulder...
Perhaps On Ankle...

You Must Tell Agawatessengawi'is... Then... Where...

And, This Will Be... Your Path...


Next Year...
You Must, As You Will, Shelter Your Garden...

But, You Must Also Plant An 'Unprotected Garden'...

For These Papakan'wi'is...
To Bring...
To You...
This Blessenin'...

You Await...

This Is All I Need'be Sayin'...


Monday, 9 April 2012

Day 37 100 Freedom Breaths

Moments pass if they are not experienced.

A vast many moments have past since my last blog.    Yet growth has continued.  I have faced many internal dragons, and can smile and say that each breath and each moment has been worth it.

I have learnt that these 100 are more powerful because of the intent to do them than even the idea or experience itself.

The layer upon layer of meaning that I apply in life remains until I realise its simply a meaning I have made.  Not the first time I have remembered this nor the last I can imagine.

As I have been peeling layer upon layer of stories away from my life.  I have been incredibly shocked by how simple and easy life has become.  In a flow of living the joy of living is showing up in my life.

I had a story so deeply told that I believed it even myself!   Its changed!  I giggle a wee bit realising it no longer served me.  And instantly it feel away.

I return to my 100 Breaths again to continue this 100 day blog.

Are You Ready to commit to your own Transformation?

Its easy - Breath
Its Free- Its Air
Its Fun - Be creative
Its Life - Now just deliberate