Sunday, 4 March 2012

Day 32 100 Freedom Breaths

The Storms of Life

The beauty of the storms of life is that they hold a moment where change can occur.  As the storm rolls in I now openly surrender to "what is presenting" rather than fighting the process.  They will come, they will go.  Life will blow and roar and rain down in its cycles where I can choose to enjoy.

More and more the enjoyment of a storm in my life, is allowing me to see that it comes and goes so quickly there is no need to get "all caught up" in it.  It's far more fun to experience the storm in a curious way, I discover that I'm far more open to seeing that there are somethings in life that aren't working and to let them go instead of justifying, blaming, holding on and stressing!

After every beautiful storm in life there is also that lovely moment when the sun comes out again!  There is freshness in the air, and the absolute delight of living takes over again.

Precious moments occur when I am curious and look for them.  The deepest storms in my life have ended up being the delicious learning moments.

A quiet 100 Freedom Breaths or a storm 100 freedom breaths, all allow me to simply become more conscious of myself and my playing out in the world.

Clarity of Intent is like sunshine.  

Joy Your Ride

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Are You Ready to commit to your own Transformation?

Its easy - Breath
Its Free- Its Air
Its Fun - Be creative
Its Life - Now just deliberate