Sunday, 29 May 2011

Everything Points us Back to Love - And Our Breath is the Vehicle.

As long as I'm breathing - I'm ALIVE!
And My Breath is the Vehicle that brings me back to love every time!
From the first breath you took as a naked innocent baby until the last breath you take before you pass, die, transcend, croak (you choose the label), and each and every breath in between!  You are ALIVE!
Perhaps this Powerful Simple every day behaviour holds a little more Profundity than I previously realised.
I know I continue to make jokes out of this its just its so easy for my mind to take over and its desire to create complexity.   Ok, perhaps it actually noise, like the ad's on the TV, what about this what about that!....In this case we are staying with the simple.
Flow of Love
You can never take away darkness, you can only ever add light.  Guess what I stopped "getting the yucky stuff out of me" and have decided that everything about me is love and when I breath out I'm breathing out love and this CRAZY wonderful thought places the pre-supposition that I'm already whole instead of me being bad!    Hey!  I'm jumping wiggling and squirming on my seat in excitement - You Mean I'm not Broken!   Yippy!
Perhaps its time for me to realize the dark shadowy, scary parts of me that are the hardest to love, the ones that make me want to run for the hills, because they seem too un-loveable to behold (I'm sure you have never experienced anything like that, I must be the only person in the world to have that kind of thought!)  ......are the deepest love that exists...aspects of me pointing me back to love!
Just quietly - if you have had that concern, thought or feeling, we can keep it between you me and the World!   Because if you can remember for a moment what I'm saying, (you already know this by the way), its just a lovely relief to hear someone dare to say it...
You are Already LOVE!  
Everything about you is love, even those moments where even you are....
We are Love, Everything Points us Back to LOVE.
Well lets see - Breath and be present, and mindful!   Breath again be present and mindful of the breath.  Are you still with me?
If you are keen for some science behind all of this....check out Bruce Lipton 

"Thank you Bruce Lipton!   Your science and practicalness is a pure blessing."

Are you already particiating in the 100 days 100 Breaths?   If so, congratulations, if may love to explore your own experiences and potentiality and minimum become far more present and mindful on a daily basis....

Friday, 20 May 2011

The First 100 Days 100 Breaths

My  previous success in meditation had been like attempting to blue-tac jelly to a white-board.  Little wiggle bum/toosh here who needs to move and had the most un-tamed and unruly brain wanted, desired and NEEDED to become experience FREEDOM...Blessed be!    

I really do like the idea of being still and allowing my inner deeper flow to radiate.  But, why oh why was it "buzzing" upstairs?    Like a train terminal at peak hour, my mind used to race and take me on voyages into the past, forward to the future, anywhere but HERE NOW.

I knew it had to be "outside of my thinking brain"...(god forbid...return to the simple).  I had fear around that, believe me!   

And then the IT happened.  On 3rd February 2011 I decided to do 100 conscious breaths.  Conscious, now thats not just the idea of doing something purposely I committed to breathing 100 times and staying with the in and out breath the entire time, and to count. 

Breath in..................................1...........................breath out.
Breath in...................................2..........................breath out.
Breath in..................................3...........................breath out.

Those were the Rules.  Thats right, perhaps I should repeat myself because of the complexity of this. 

The Rules are:

  1. Breath consciously - (inhale and exhale)
  2. Count - (1 - 100)

Stop for a moment! (read the above again...just for clarity).   I'm smiling along with you,  I'm attempting to really pound something home here, its the Simplicity that makes this so powerful.   Purposeful conscious attention to the breath...and my discovery life its self.  But before I jump ahead here, some extra things to remember (oh good your brain may say because I might do it wrong).

Definition of the Boundaries - or the Playing Field

  1. You and your potential
  2. The universe and its potential
Your creativity with the only limitation.  There are 100's of ways that you can breath consciously. 

Once I had done my first day of 100 conscious breaths, I was captivated by the delightfull peace I discovered.    I then committed to 100 days of 100 breaths.  Those days have allowed transformation I cannot even begin to articulate.  NOW I no longer concern myself about "sitting and meditating the correct way".  Instead I joyfully discover how many ways and possibilities there may be with jelly, blue-tac, white boards, and in fact anything I can comprehend....and  I often sit quietly and breath 100 times.....deeply inside of me...perhaps that could be meditation?...and the rest well thats just active altered trance!

100 Breaths, 100 Days in 100 Ways.

If you are willing to try this I would love to have your feedback.  

My own personal development and release from myself and old beliefs, and old habits, and rigid ways of thinking and allowing and connection with myself, and love of myself, and transformation of fear to love, and transformation of living within my flow and feeling far more connected than ever before and a deeper awareness and an awakening, that is building and gaining momentum and unfolding every moment - the practice of living life, and I am starting with my breath.  Karyn Janelle Davis

Finally I am playing with life itself and I'm starting with my breath.

The Power of your Breath is Extra-ordinary, its free, its transformational, there is simply no right nor wrong, its at your ease every moment of the day. Be inspired to transform everything and anything through the beautiful practice of conscious deliberate breathing....

If you are interested...please keep connected with me and we can breath our way to freedom together!

Karyn Janelle Davis
NOW In Our Heart

Are You Ready to commit to your own Transformation?

Its easy - Breath
Its Free- Its Air
Its Fun - Be creative
Its Life - Now just deliberate