Thursday, 8 March 2012

Day 36 100 Freedom Breaths

A Moment Erupts

Yes - a weak moment, a day without completing my 100 Freedom Breaths.  A moment where I was caught up in delivering in life and didn't take time out!

All is well.  What an experience.  What a joy to sit here and know that while I was completely enraptured by an event and experiences, that my awareness was high and my joy overflowed even while things were difficult.

Yay for development.
Yay for knowing how to be present
Yay for the power of breathing.
Yay for life blood powering through
Yay for experience and joy
Yay for what is

Joy Your Ride

Day 35 100 Freedom Breaths

Rejuvenating Self

I was exhausted after a big day.  Nothing left inside of me but the physical shell of my body.  Well that's how it felt.

So I ran myself a bath, soaked into the luxury of the water and joyed in the feeling of softness upon my body.  Then I started my 100.  Simply enjoying the flow, in and out, nothing to do but breath and count.  Nothing to do but enjoy and be!

Yeeha the simply joyful pleasures of rejuvenating.


Joy Your Ride

Day 34 100 Freedom Breaths

The Delicate Balance

The subtle delicate balance of life is a forever changing thing, as day becomes night and day again, the weather changes sometimes sunny other times blowing a gale, the seasons changing, the moon cycles, tides, body changes from birth through to dead, the changes of relationships, friends, jobs, cities, families, clothes.   There is one constant, and that is change.

Nothing new - yet everything anew.   My life balances have been shifting considerably as I am throwing myself into all kinds of varieties of experiences, many that I would not have normally taken as a challenge, and as my children grow up my time is becoming available in new ways.

The constant thing though through all of this is the moment by moment by moment for ever moment of now.   Everything else is a story, an illusion, a memory a fantasy.

The delicate balance of life between the moments of being present and the moments where I disappear into the mind and discover much later that I didn't even notice the road I took home or that the washing is all folded, or a conversation was not truly experienced.

All LEARNING!   I do get so much more from my life as I stay present with everything, and I'm remembering more to keep the breath as my anchor, it raises my awareness to now.  Yet I do let myself wander when I'm writing or creating, because thats also where the new comes from.

Joy Your Ride

Monday, 5 March 2012

Day 33 100 Freedom Breaths

That Lovely Place

Everyone has that lovely place they love to escape to whether its a physical or a mental impression - they always feel free, revived and at peace.

I have a couple of physcial places I love to be, of course the beach rates highly (Raglan Beach), the Waikato River, or a lovely bath.  All including water, but I must admit when I can't "get away" I go in my mind to the top of a range of mountains where the wind is blowing my hair, I can smell the freshness and the vista enchants me.

These 100 Freedom Breaths continue to take me on my own inner journey increasing levels of relaxation, allowing and transformation to occur.

Now - when I simply think, "ok....going into the 100", I begin to feel what may be emerging within me, it could be a quiet settled present set, or a rigorous physical set, but each brings me to a deeper sense of delight and awareness of how I am functioning on this planet.  The barriers I have put up, or the illusions I have been living, or simply how un-present I had been!    Lost in thought, mind or activity and forgetting the beautiful pleasures of the moment by moment life we lead.

Clarity of Intent is a fascinating experience, its like I focus and everything becomes clear and then I go into life and I become a little foggy, a little unaware, more reactive rather than pro-active.  Yet I'm picking up on it faster than ever before and it only takes 3 - 10 purposeful breaths and I feel centered again and ready to experience life as a joy.

I'm grateful so deeply grateful to be experience the discipline of these 100 Days and I'm finding that some of the experiences that I have during the 100 sets I'm taking into my life.  Like the YES!   I'm using YES as a mantra at the moment the last number of days, I'm simply say YES, YES YES, over and over and it fills my heart with joy, and my body lightens, and it feels fabulous.

Into my day.

Joy Your Ride

Sunday, 4 March 2012

Day 32 100 Freedom Breaths

The Storms of Life

The beauty of the storms of life is that they hold a moment where change can occur.  As the storm rolls in I now openly surrender to "what is presenting" rather than fighting the process.  They will come, they will go.  Life will blow and roar and rain down in its cycles where I can choose to enjoy.

More and more the enjoyment of a storm in my life, is allowing me to see that it comes and goes so quickly there is no need to get "all caught up" in it.  It's far more fun to experience the storm in a curious way, I discover that I'm far more open to seeing that there are somethings in life that aren't working and to let them go instead of justifying, blaming, holding on and stressing!

After every beautiful storm in life there is also that lovely moment when the sun comes out again!  There is freshness in the air, and the absolute delight of living takes over again.

Precious moments occur when I am curious and look for them.  The deepest storms in my life have ended up being the delicious learning moments.

A quiet 100 Freedom Breaths or a storm 100 freedom breaths, all allow me to simply become more conscious of myself and my playing out in the world.

Clarity of Intent is like sunshine.  

Joy Your Ride

Day 31 100 Freedom Breaths

Stop and Smell the Lavender 

Sometimes the freedom of life comes in the moments that are the simplest.   I know for myself its too easy to get caught up in the "events" of life and miss the simplicity of the small moments.   That beautiful feeling of the sun on your back, the lovely taste of fresh fruit, the delicious moment of exchanging a smile, the precious sound of laughter, the extra-ordinary delight of the smell of flowers.

Each of these delicate moments hold a presence that just is, that lovely experience of simply being.  That peaceful exquisite "I'm alive" feeling.    From this place it's much easier to create new ways of being, new experiences and new pathways.

The business of life otherwise gets in the way of new pathways.

Loving these 100 Freedom Breaths over the 100 Days.   The discipline is delightful, because it opens up a fresh way of living.

Joy Your Ride.

Are You Ready to commit to your own Transformation?

Its easy - Breath
Its Free- Its Air
Its Fun - Be creative
Its Life - Now just deliberate