Monday, 25 July 2011

Shine Your Light by Cheryl Lee Harnish

Day 75 of 2nd Round of 100 Days 100 Breaths in 100 Ways

I did my breaths quietly today, laying down and just being.  By the way that is a change, I have been doing them active for the last week or so.    And as I came out I set my intent for the day to do things and participate in opportunities in new ways using this question.

"Why am I noticing so much more today."

The fun here is that the brain dashes to answer that question, and so I have had some fun explorative observations today.

I have put the above video in because it is a fabulous watch and there are some wonderful messages inside the video.  I particularly liked at about 7.01 where Cheryl says ...."It is a conscious breathing energy that is shifting how people are experiencing their lives"....

As I hold breath to be a metaphor of life, I enjoy the idea of breath being the ever connecting bridge of transformation and exchange.....(still exploring this).

So as I continue my journey below are some notes that I took a number of years ago - when I began to realise that living is really up to me!

  • If my life sux - its because I have been paying attention to "sucky things"
  • My life is a direct result of where I have been placing my attention.
  • If I have been thinking about sad, sorry ass, un-useful things, that keep me feeling bad, ABSOLUTELY they will reflect and show up in my life.
  • If I have been thinking about happy, delicious, fun-filled, exciting, creative and joy filled thoughts, ABSOLUTELY they will reflect and show up in my life.
  • Each moment I get to choose if I'm going to tune into sucky thoughts or Thoughts that RATE!

I find this even more profound today as I realise even more

If i don't like it (the way life is unfolding).  Then I must, and only me, MUST find another way of telling my story, another way of "beating my drum", find another rhythm to dance too.

Pure Bliss in a up to me

Thanks so much
Joy your ride today!

"The continual rhythm of my life, the beat of the drum I have habituated directly influences what I am currently experiencing in my reality."  Now in My Heart

Sunday, 24 July 2011

21 Days to Self Freedom Expounded - 4 count breath explained

Day 73 of 100 Days 100 Breaths in 100 Ways

The variety of ways that I breath the more variety of thought and perspectives I have available.  Also noticing the less the "Sticks to me".

I still get caught up in useless thought processes of things i don't desire in my life, but I become conscious of that so quickly now and I'm able to redirect awareness, instead of disappearing for ages into thought and emotions that no longer serve.

I appreciate stopping on the stairs, and consciously breathing a deep long breath from start to finish, then continuing my journey.

I love that I have remained committed to breathing...(she giggles) these 100 breaths.

Below are some notes from the video above:

21 Days to Self Freedom Expounded - 4 count breath explained

Here is another way to breath!

Who is to judge?

Breath is the path to life...what beatiful ways are there to breathe?

I love how beings are!

Be Glorious!

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

One Conscious Breath

Day 70 100 Days 100 Breaths in 100 Ways

Another day dawns and we breath together whether consciously or unconsciously, I can completely assume you are breathing right now as you read this.  I AM!

And now consciously!  I have discovered the fun in using all types of breathing techniques for this 100 breaths.  I mean why live one way?  When there are all the possible ways of being, and breathing and expanding, I figure...lets give them a try.

So My 100 today I have already broken into 10 segments of 10.  So thats very very very purposeful 10 breaths in a row.  I can keep 3 very conscious!  Working on the rest!...(hehe)

Above are Erkhartolle's video and my quick notes below

One conscious breath - 20 times a day

2 conscious breaths



Breath - consciously


What about being comfortable being and breathe

Practice and be present at every step of the breath.

No thought.

Just breathing.....nothing else

100 Freedom Breaths
100 Days
100 Ways

Or / and conscious breaths

Entering a dimension of presence your own presence.

Oh my gosh forever learning!!!

Be Glorious!

The Value of breathe

The Value of Breath

Life is not about Failure and Success as I have and perhaps other people have made it be.

Life is a beautiful diamond day in and day out. The pure bliss of Life is from valuing each and every day.

Breathe, live, love and laugh a little more often.

(Reminds me of some of the Be Glorious keys)

‪Abraham-Hicks: The power of Breath‬‏

Every active breath is you.

Empower yourself through breath.

Empower yourself through no longer dis-empowering yourself.

Our greatest value is to stand as an example.


Day 68 of my 2nd 100 Days 100 Breaths in 100 Ways

Yes its my second 100 days 100 breaths.  And the power of it is ever present...until it was not.  And that was just recently when  for about 10 days I stopped putting aside time for myself of what really matters.  You know how when you get busy the things that are good for you in life like, exercise, fresh air and relaxation can fall away?....well I let the 100 conscious breaths fall away.  And I'm in this moment right now delighted!  Because I have experienced the contrast again....and it was too heavy, and dis-orientating and flat and boring and dull and....I'm consciously breathing again!

For those 10 days my 100 breaths a day "vanished"!....Oh I was still breathing...unconsciously...and sometimes actually often  "telling myself off" for not breathing.

And that was perfect, because last night I stopped and re-integrated what matters to me.  Purposeful, deliberate, conscious breaths.  100 Freedom Breaths and I'm feeling uplifted, ready to go, lighter and far more full of evergy.

I seek to deliberately seek the conscious aware breath and how that raises my body to feel fabulous.  Thanks it.

When I feel empowered I can allow others to be themselves and lead out through fully deliberately being free to allow newness.

I feel my power through living and loving and allowing what is to flow through me.

Thank you for being fabulous.

I hope that what I have mentioned in some way has inspired you to empower yourself and participate in the 100 dayys 100 breath process.

Breath deep!
Be Glorious

PS  Thank you for being you, however you are showing up today, because that's perfect, if it feels low, try smiling and breathing deep, if it feels high and great, grin, laugh and share the joy!

Sunday, 10 July 2011

The Power of Breath

Karyn Janelle Davis, Danielle Astinotti, Theresa Grainger, Eileen Darwin

Using the natural power of breath to return home every day.

Still playing with the 100 Days 100 Breaths idea and here are some further concepts that you may like to discover why and what is so powerful about breath.

Significance of Breathing - As a human being we can go without

3 - 4 weeks without food
3 - 4 Days without water
8 - 10 minutes without breath

Again Breath is life.

Its wonderful to be a part of working with people who are like minded and have studied deeply.  In this video Eileen and Theresa clearly easily and lovingly shares the quality of breath and the impact of it in our lives.

If you love exploring within yourself, your breath will take you there.

Are You Ready to commit to your own Transformation?

Its easy - Breath
Its Free- Its Air
Its Fun - Be creative
Its Life - Now just deliberate