Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Day 2 100 Freedom Breaths

Day 2 - 2 February 2012

The pure beauty of 100 Freedom Breaths are alive and well.  Its day 2 today and I have already done my 100.   I decided upon awakening to bring the breaths into consciousness and as I emerged from my semi-unconscous state I started to consciously breath and count.

It was a pleasurable way to awaken, as my mind had still not engaged into the "busy-ness" that can occur.  Instead as I breathed and counted easily and effortlessly arising I sat upon my bed awakening my body awareness into the splendor of a new day.   Each breath alivening my awareness.   I consciously awoke awareness into my limbs with a vigorous rub and noticed my breath followed easily.

By about 27 I was beginning to emerge into a state of choice and I consciously chose to continue breathing, in and exhaling, 28, 29, 30,

89, 90, I'm feeling a deep presence about myself, all my sences are heightened and there is a stillness within my body, an awareness, a readiness, 93, 94, 95, exhaling, I feel a dizzy pleasure of delight, 96, 97, deep deep breaths that expand even outside of my body, 100!  I want to keep going sensing there is more, and yet I'm complete for Day 2!

What a beautiful way to awaken, my day has been very centred as I enter into my Be Glorious exercise program, I delight in the flexibility of my body and I do get to consciously breath another 105 times with the Five Tibetan Rites!

So that the process today - I'm really aware of my core, I feel the need to drink loads of water, my presence seem very centred and my attention willing and eager.

I chose today to again bring to my attention (after the morning ritual) Clarity of Intention and to ponder as I sat in mediation for 10 minutes, allowing everything to fall away.

So the day now is partially done, Business has already called me to duty and demands of life still exist - I'm here, I'm eager, I'm ready.

Breath by breath, moment by moment
Joy Your Ride

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Are You Ready to commit to your own Transformation?

Its easy - Breath
Its Free- Its Air
Its Fun - Be creative
Its Life - Now just deliberate