Saturday, 18 February 2012

Day 17 100 Freedom Breaths

Bringing Awareness into the Present Moment

True to form the 100 Freedom breaths are continuously causing me to become more conscious of where my attention is placed, how I am attending to my life and other people.   I'm feeling more connected to my inner flow and the conscious awareness of where I am more and more often.  Not the "where I am" physically, although that is also becoming a more sensory experience, but the "where is my attention now", am I coming from my heart, my head, my fears, my inner essence, a place and space that is useful or a re-run of life.

These awakenings are allowing me to be more present and bring presence into the worries, concerns, fears and dramas of life.  My presence when it shines upon these situations, thoughts and feelings seems to change them dramatically.   In truth its probably only a little bit, but my transformation of these habitual patterns are dramatically altering the course of my attention, the freedom of my attention and therefore a higher awareness of whether I am clear with my intent.

This Clarity of Intent is allowing me to follow down new ways of being, exploring gently and subtly aspects of myself that have often been over looked, forced to remain quiet, or pushed down.

I knew in myself that the inner dragons, demons and shadows within my life would become highlighted through this 100, because the focus is about Clarity of Intent, and of course that immediately draws attention to anything that is taking me away from a clear and intentional path.

As I sit here now, I realise that over the last couple of weeks, I have had moments where I have had to face myself, old patterns that have played out and decide where to from there.  Presence, my presence brought into those moments has been the absolute best solution.  If I have gone into thinking and changing those or trying to outsmart or out think the patterns I have failed and have had to look at them again.  But the moment pure aware presence guided through the breath comes in, and an observing no judging, acceptance reigns, then the light of awareness has changed my path.   And more often than not, I have simply let it be, let that aspect of me have some air, in a quiet safe place within me fully bringing my intention, attention and energy into the one place.

Chemically I know this changes the density of the old energy.  For I can feel it.

Wow, it excites me even recalling through words these moments, because I can feel the lightness of my body as a result of showing up and being present.

I'm grateful and thankful for the 100, on the very basis that I continue to consciously breath more and more and more during the day.  I know breath is breath is air is air, but its doing something wonderful and causing life to become easier.

If you are participating In the 100, may you too experience your own joy of this very easy, simple and basic wonder.

Joy Your Ride.

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Are You Ready to commit to your own Transformation?

Its easy - Breath
Its Free- Its Air
Its Fun - Be creative
Its Life - Now just deliberate