Monday, 27 February 2012

Day 27 100 Freedom Breaths

The Pain or Pleasure of Growth

If I were a butterfly emerging from my chrysalis would it be comfortable?  I think not.   The stretch and breaking out of something that had held me while I transformed would also be a reason to not go any further.  But I'm also convinced - as there are so many butterfly's and babies born on this planet (the pain of child birth is another great example of this) that there is simply an inner knowing, a clarity of intent to break out from what was to what is....

These 100 Freedom  Breaths have truly challenged me in subtle yet powerful ways.  Questioning old belief's which I had not truly taken a look at before, and raising feelings that I have discovered distracting and challenging.   I had thought I had gotten over old stories from my past, and the truth is I had, but what surprised me immensely yesterday in my 100 was the new stories that I had replaced those old ones with.   I hadn't transformed the story into a magnificent way of living, no I had simply transitioned them, created a new story and a different perspective, but not an inclusive one, not a story that truly accepted what was and brought in a new way of being.  No I had almost rejected the old story!  Now there is something I'm giggling about, laughing at myself even as I write this, because the human condition, the mind, goes into survival mode, it works hard to adapt and shift so that it still has a place, so that it's importance is still mandatory!

The mind is a wonderful and powerful device and tool that we have, but its not me, its not you, we aren't our minds.  We have fabulous minds, however, perhaps like me, sometimes you have believed so strongly in what your mind is representing to you that you have forgotten (I certainly have) that is its simply a representation!  And I have lived that representation believing it to be true!  This is what I discovered deeply for myself in the 100 yesterday.   The mind established I no longer desired to have a story, so it quickly created another!  "Haha!  There you go", it said, "I'm working with you, you have let go of that old story!"
And then I discovered - it had just replaced a new one.  Fabulous stuff!

Oh well, the learning and pondering of another growth period.  I'm not certain we will ever truly be outside of story, but I do believe it would be wonderful to know that we are living through one instead of living through a story and not knowing that we are.

Have a fabulous day...and until tomorrow.

Joy Your Ride

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Are You Ready to commit to your own Transformation?

Its easy - Breath
Its Free- Its Air
Its Fun - Be creative
Its Life - Now just deliberate