Monday, 13 February 2012

Day 13 100 Freedom Breaths

Whatever life brings, there are moments where our true authentic self quietly with exquisite subtle power says.  "This way".   I know for myself I may have tried to do my own thing and still its like I keep going on a round about coming to the same choices.  And eventually I go down the path that seems the least well trodden the least lite, but the one to take anyway.

The exquisite joy of going into the unknown a new way of being down a path that is new, is the joy of living on the edge of creation.  In a realm that is awaiting exploration and a new becoming of self.

In the inner reflections of our being, in the interconnectedness of oneness there awaits co-creation.  Something I have studied for over 15 years, and I still stand in awe of how we co-create together.  What is it that draws one to another, circumstances to oneself and opportunity to become at every moment of every day?   How is it that sometimes my robotic self continues to build barriers and concerns, worries and drama's when they are all an illusion and I for moments in time believe them to be true?   For what purpose does this illusion feel like a reality so real that its fixed?  For what purpose do I allow disillusion to take hold?

When we are gifted with such magnificent opportunity for exploration and pure potent creation - how come the hum drum of habituated patterns take precedence instead of the magestic becoming of life?

Perhaps this is the awakening state.  The trances of life that I have lived have varied immensely dependent on how much responsibility I am willing to take for all of life's realities.  The deeper and more somber the life drama - the deeper the trance I was in.  The awakening from those places have been an extremely interesting path to walk.   Like the awakening from a deep sleep where I had been dreaming and believing my dream to be real, and as I came through the veils of sleep into the more conscious awareness, there was a disoriented experience.  One of not knowing which one was real.  Of not knowing whether one could really only have been a dream, and the discovery that morning wakefulness is a place of potential has made me aware that the trance, asleep dream states have left some energetic memory that I am at choice of to either re-create and focus upon - or completely let go of and enter with excitement into the moment of creating our future.

Much to ponder on - and although I'm still learning and beginning to express, I am excited by this metaphor. For is being awake simply awakening from the attachments of illusions and "dreams" of what we thought were real?


Joy Your Ride

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Are You Ready to commit to your own Transformation?

Its easy - Breath
Its Free- Its Air
Its Fun - Be creative
Its Life - Now just deliberate