Friday, 3 February 2012

Day 4 100 Freedom Breaths

4th February 2012

Discovering the power of Attention will transform a life

Attention is such a fascinating thing.   Have you ever been on a bike riding along and then looked over your shoulder?  What happens?  You know!  The bike begins to change direction, ever so slightly, but it does and then the curb comes exceptional close, or the middle of the road is all of a sudden upon you!  

A quiet 100 this morning, peaceful and flowing, easily discovering the inner realms of my body and being, exploring the nature of how I'm made up.  Effortlessly enjoying the process of life itself as I lay consciously observing the ebbs and flows of thought and attention.

Yes attention is a powerful thing.   Another thing I have noticed is when my attention is focused or stuck on a situation, and even though I may be present in a room and a little voice (my kids) is chattering away yet my mind is obsessed with a thought.  All attention is placed upon the thought, the movie in my head and the unfolding of this thought.   And then I get jolted with "MUM...your not listening!"  Oh that right, they are so right!  I had my attention placed internally and there was none outside of me.  Now with my attention placed on me, the choice sits with my conscious attention to be replaced upon them.

Mmm....interesting ever had a business meeting and someoneelses attention is placed upon something that is not adding to the meeting?  Frustrating?  Oh it can be.   Or in that same meeting everyone appears to be participating well at least with their body, yet a question is asked that demands an answer and no-one responds.  Again attention is the key.

A school teacher in a classroom knows this and will same something like "Attention please".  There is so much power in that statement.  So much wisdom.   "All attention here please"   This majestic power of attention directs a human beings awareness into a focused place.  Without the focus upon something specific the person  will simply apply habitual robotic like behaviours as they are wrapped up in their internal world.

As we focus here for a moment upon the significance of your attention - a question may arise.  Where is your attention now?  Why is this important?  Because where ever your attention is placed will make a huge difference in how you act out in the world.   Lets say you had just had an argument with someone.  Its likely that much of your attention is still placed upon the situation, the argument.  This will mean that your potent energy is attached to something that has already happened and therefore continues to keep the argument alive.

Your attention literally feeds the good and bad experiences that you have in life.  I know this to be true for me, as my life unfolded with different experiences I have learnt to realise I was creating those "dramas" through where I was placing my attention!   Attention feeds the wolf, the thought or the emotion.

When we are awake - truly awake not just moving about life.  We are then in a situation where we are responsible for our attention.  Then the power of attention begins to reveal itself.

When I do the 100 breaths I get to discipline my attention to understand its habits and I get to begin to focus with purposeful intent as I move through life.


The power of the breath!
The power of attention!
The power of you in your awakened state is devastatingly amazing!

Breathe freely my friend
Joy your Ride

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Are You Ready to commit to your own Transformation?

Its easy - Breath
Its Free- Its Air
Its Fun - Be creative
Its Life - Now just deliberate