Its the 1st of February 2012. Significant for me because a year ago on the 3rd of February 2011, I discovered upon a process that I now call 100 Freedom Breaths. I had fun last year playing with the conscious deliberate dynamics of breathing and experienced tremendous personal growth and expansion. I applied myself for 100 days and then another 100 days, but slowly let go of the process as I entered my third 100 days.
I have continually since then been very aware of the power of breath and have immensely enjoyed the release and relief and re-connectivity to myself of what I had disciplined myself to do. Over the last number of months I have been feeling a "need" a "calling" to commit again, however this time I was a little hesitant. For the very purpose that I am aware big changes will follow. For this time I'm entering with my eyes wide open, a new level of awareness about the process and the consequences and a very, Jez I'm going to use the word "reverent" approach. For I know deeply inside myself that this time - THERES MORE!
I kinda yelled then. Well....the truth is that is what has stopped me. That is why until today I wasn't ready to commit to such a purposeful journey. That's why until today I had held off thinking....maybe next week, or Monday, and Monday never came. Well it did come and it went and it came and it went, Oh I think you get the picture. Another hesitation I had was how to this time truly capture my learnings, explorations and experiences. But a wise woman - who actually tipped me over the edge today with my 100% commitment Stacey Austin, reminded me...just go with the flow, trust yourself. And this brought back immense knowingness of the perfection of that, as that was exactly how I came across the 100 Freedom Breaths in the beginning, I trusted myself and went with the flow. So here I am on the 1st of February 2012 about to delve into a beautiful journey into the unknown of myself and to share it on this blog as I go, this time I'm less concerned about what other people think, because even though the internal journey maybe private there may be one person, just one who benefits from this blog, and that one person, who may even by you, will impact the world tremendously through joining me in a sacred personal journey of becoming more conscious, aware, lighter, fresher, aligned, connected, loving and FREE.
Last year my purpose was to release stuck energy within myself and to allow a flow to circulate through me. This time in 2012, I'm excited, because this time my purpose of this commitment is to discover Clarity of Intention. Yes that's it, I'm almost certain that stuck energies will move simply because. I'm almost certain I will meet my internal dragons, demons, fears, hidden agendas, old stuck patterns and barriers, and I know with absolute certainty from previous experience that the breath is the most powerful bridge as it will bring my own presence into those experiences and the power of presence will simply transform them into a lighter and brighter and fresher way of being.
I'm also almost certain that I will discover something else I have been playing with in a new way. I have been exploring space, silence and the space within space, the potentiality factor, the pure potent energy of possibility, I'm both eager and in awe (kinda nervous) of where this will end up. For with purpose and intent to evolve and transform myself from being connected to telling stories about my life, and making sense of things through justifying and getting caught up in useless energy interactions, I now sit ready to jump into a new way of being, taken along by the highest intent I can hold and I have formulated this into a question:
What is Clarity of Intention?
This leads me to another question which is; What will I discover when I truly accept, allow, what is - for what it is and allow my true essence to flow, the authentic self, the connected being, the creative god or goddess factor to have its true place?
Ok lightening up a bit - if you are still reading, you may like to know some other benefits, more physical and more materialistic.
I know that the breathing cleanses from the inside - so I will drink lots of water - Its like a detox! This will mean my skin will clear, my eyes will clear and dance again, my body will feel lighter and more flexible, there will be a freshness in my presence and attention when I am doing things, I will be more self aware and energy aware (of others and environments), my intuition will become deeply heightened, there will be more and more conscious moments in every day where I simply feel free, unencumbered, at peace, and fertile to create.
If that's not already enough I know the process will also bring about multiple energy shifts, where I will actually experience (consciously) transformation within my body, my emotions, my mind and my environment.
Jez! I'm exciting myself...hehe, so with all that said, I humbly acknowledge that its a journey, and I do not know how it will unfold, it is simply one breath at a time, trusting the process and trusting myself, there is no right or wrong way to do it. there is no right or wrong way to breath, for variety entices variety.
- the commitment to do it.
- the discipline to rigorously stay present
- the absolute to complete each breath and each 100 in one day, over 100 days
- the pure intent to allow the Clarity of Intention to unfold within me as a burning knowing, and then where to from there?
For anyone who would like to know how I started:
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