Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Day 8 100 Freedom Breaths

8th of February 2012

It was a decision made with a beautiful friend of mine who is also doing the 100 Days of 100 Freedom Breaths.   She said she was going to do a crystal 100 and I was inspired to also discover the magic of the 100 with crystals.

As is the beautiful case with the 100 Breaths, they always happen as they are to occur and not always according to plan!   (Little bit like trying to herd cats!)   I do love how there is already an idea, yet the 100 will always take you where you need to go, not necessarily where you think you "want to go".

So, we agreed we would do the 100 at about the same time in the evening around 9pm, both of us working with crystal energies....well what actually occurred was...

9pm rolled around and the kids should be off to bed because its school the next day.  Right that's about normal isn't it?   Ok didn't happen!  My almost 11 year old daughter joked and mucked around with me stringing out her bedtime.  My 17 year old son had disappeared for a late night run about 8.45, and I had expected according to patterns that he would come in, shower check out the social media sites and then pop off to bed at 10pm.   

In the meantime I started to bring out my crystals and place them outside in the moonlight.  Even though the clouds were thick I did regularly see the moon shining brightly through gaps promising to be there when I was ready.

I made myself a drink and went outside to sit on the balcony with my bare feet dangling over the side alongside my crystals and tea.   Both cats and my dog gathered around me, then returning from his run my son found me outside and sat along with me chatting and teasing me about what I was doing, you know the crystals and the moon.  We laughed and talked, him sharing some of his world, me sharing some of mine, with little interludes of "Mum what have you been smoking, oh thats right you don't need to, your crazy already" I giggled along with him, watching the moon rays, but not seeing the moon, here is the thing, the two cats, dog "Puppy" and my son continued to stay with me.  What a delightful gift!   

But I wasn't going to start the 100 with him there.  For a felt a need to be alone with this 100.   This continued until 11pm.  Significant because his self imposed bed rules were not attended too!   He seemed to enjoy the process we both experienced as the sky began to clear and we talked about space, universe and other intangible things.  Of course all his discussions were based on science, and he teased me when it came to "Mum's fantasy" as he called it.  What a pure delight!

So, if you are still reading, then this next part is for you because its another level of connectivity that the 100 has called from within me.

My son eventually went inside to shower, so I started a partially participating 100.  I could feel the call to go deeper, but I held back knowing at any stage he would come out to say good night.    By about 30 I was feeling a deep pull from my feet into the ground and a pull from the moon herself.     I resisted my body moving too much and instead went into a trance like state while focused upon the moon.   Each breath gently encouraged my feet to feel deeper into the earth and as I pushed down I felt the surge of energy from the earth coming up, this beautiful feeling brought me more and more grounding, yet I was staring directly at the moon!

I finished that 100 and finally my son went to bed! its my turn to enjoy more fully.   I turned all the lights in the house off, and went back outside.   The clouds had all rolled on and the moon was in full visibility!  Perfect!   Immediately we returned to the place we had been before. 

Moving away from individuality and toward connectivity!

This next 100 was very subtle, very slow and very connected.  My feet planted deeply within the earth I could feel her rhythms, my body gently arched and my navel lead with this next 100.   I could feel the connection with the moon through my belly, as I more fully connected, I became glaringly aware to slow my rhythm down, to feel the subtleties of the movement.   I went in and out of heightened awareness of the night sounds to extreme awareness of the gentle pull and tug upon the earth from the moons pull.    LOUDLY and with absolute certainty I knew to explore gently, because I could feel so much of our mother nature, her interactions, the movement of the tides, the gentle throb of the inner core of the earth, The Womb of the Goddess.

I learnt at an even deeper level the subtle power of our connectivity.

With true love and admiration to everyone and everything on our planet earth, thank you for our very existence.  Thank you for the oneness that we already are, for that was the other experience I had.  For when the moon again became covered by a dark cloud, I could still feel her presence, and the in and out breath applied what I know as a fractionation (an up and down, in and out, aware and not aware, connected and sense of individualness).  By the way I know some of my words are almost made up, as I am attempting to discover words to articulate such a deep experience.   This fractionation left me feeling deeply aware that we are always connected to everything and everyone, its simply my level of awareness at any time that places an illusion of separation.

Well I guess that brings us to the end of my experience of the 100 for the 8th day.

So in one with you I breath
In one with the earth we breath
In one breath we already are connected.

Joy Your Ride!

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Are You Ready to commit to your own Transformation?

Its easy - Breath
Its Free- Its Air
Its Fun - Be creative
Its Life - Now just deliberate