Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Day 30 100 Freedom Breaths


Its all in the breath, life, expression, speech, oxygenation, everything that "keeps us alive".  And therefore the very subjective internal process that I am experiencing with these 100 Days, this year, so continuing to bring me to greater awareness that breath itself also holds some magical keys to releasing and bringing in new ways of being.

Today, I did my 100 immediately after work, I could feel within me a desire to continue the shift from the Day 29, and so I fell full on into the 100, excited to discover what awaited me.

It became very quiet internally, my mind almost stopped, and I recall thinking - "gosh its quiet".  Each breath drew me deeper into my body, yet more aware of my external space.

The delicious driving force of the 100 caused my body to shudder and move naturally following what I will call the flow of the energy of this 100.

I'm not going to continue too deeply in what I experienced, but it has awakened within again me same the depths that I was experiencing last year when I did two sets of 100 Day is a row.

It so delicious to explore the possibilities of new expression.  Waves of sparks that spun my system slightly differently, an incredibly deep connectivity to the earth and an expansion toward the sky, yet within my beingness, possibly body an inner depth that just kept going, and all at the same time I noticed space within my body, and a continual awareness of body organs, and the connectedness that my/our body is.

So my exploration continues, holding in place clarity of intention, and now also adding passionate curiosity!

Not pretending here that life is perfect.  Oh no - but a deeper acceptance to what is than ever before.
An awareness of story
An awareness of how other people do effect
Higher levels of intuition - almost to the point of having to stop myself talking too soon!
Dare I say - reading of other peoples images has developed quicker - and a little less language required
My healing hands are doing magic through them more and more
Yet still learning to live life.
Deal with my own "stuff" and being fully responsible and accountable is still a learning process.

So on I breathe!

Joy Your Ride

Day 29 100 Freedom Breaths

Playful curiosity

I have moments where I wonder what its all about, what the purpose is, why the game of life rolls the dice it rolls, how I am influencing - or whether its actually all going to happen any way.  And other moments where I feel fully empowered, at one and in alignment and free and loving this expression we call life.

It great to have the differences, the comparisons and the experiences.

My 100 Freedom Breaths yesterday were uncomfortable during the process.  But goodness I slept well!
Another moment of creating clarity of intent.  Another day now to joyfully play and consciously be curious about life.  

I read somewhere yesterday that sits with me even now the Albert Einstein said.  "I'm not particularly specialized in anything, but I am passionately curious."

Passionately curious - what a wonderful way to live!

Joy your Ride

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Day 28 100 Freedom Breaths


My 100 Freedom Breaths consisted of 100 yes's, if there is such a word.

Every in breath being present, every exhale - YES.

Honestly this is something that has no other words to explain it properly - if I tried it would be like trying to explain what chocolate cake tastes like.  Until you try it, its only an idea and theory.  The experience is where its all at, and only you will know if you like it or not.

Yes, I can tell you - its something I gently continued as I experienced my day today, because it felt so good!

I don't know about you, but I have heard a lot of No's in my life, and I say No far more often than I ever intend to.  No - I can't do that, or No I haven't done that or, No - I wouldn't do that.

I remember watching a movie - where the Hero could only say Yes!  It got him into a tonne of trouble, but it was a complete release too as he began to experience new things in life.

I also know that yes, is a very powerful state to be in, its good on the body, it releases wonderful chemicals into the body, it almost always puts a smile on ones face, and if Yes is causing me or someone else to own up to something its very powerful in its release.

Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes - couldn't be more simpler really!

So YES!  having fun with breathing and Yes.

Till tomorrow
Joy Your Ride

Monday, 27 February 2012

Day 27 100 Freedom Breaths

The Pain or Pleasure of Growth

If I were a butterfly emerging from my chrysalis would it be comfortable?  I think not.   The stretch and breaking out of something that had held me while I transformed would also be a reason to not go any further.  But I'm also convinced - as there are so many butterfly's and babies born on this planet (the pain of child birth is another great example of this) that there is simply an inner knowing, a clarity of intent to break out from what was to what is....

These 100 Freedom  Breaths have truly challenged me in subtle yet powerful ways.  Questioning old belief's which I had not truly taken a look at before, and raising feelings that I have discovered distracting and challenging.   I had thought I had gotten over old stories from my past, and the truth is I had, but what surprised me immensely yesterday in my 100 was the new stories that I had replaced those old ones with.   I hadn't transformed the story into a magnificent way of living, no I had simply transitioned them, created a new story and a different perspective, but not an inclusive one, not a story that truly accepted what was and brought in a new way of being.  No I had almost rejected the old story!  Now there is something I'm giggling about, laughing at myself even as I write this, because the human condition, the mind, goes into survival mode, it works hard to adapt and shift so that it still has a place, so that it's importance is still mandatory!

The mind is a wonderful and powerful device and tool that we have, but its not me, its not you, we aren't our minds.  We have fabulous minds, however, perhaps like me, sometimes you have believed so strongly in what your mind is representing to you that you have forgotten (I certainly have) that is its simply a representation!  And I have lived that representation believing it to be true!  This is what I discovered deeply for myself in the 100 yesterday.   The mind established I no longer desired to have a story, so it quickly created another!  "Haha!  There you go", it said, "I'm working with you, you have let go of that old story!"
And then I discovered - it had just replaced a new one.  Fabulous stuff!

Oh well, the learning and pondering of another growth period.  I'm not certain we will ever truly be outside of story, but I do believe it would be wonderful to know that we are living through one instead of living through a story and not knowing that we are.

Have a fabulous day...and until tomorrow.

Joy Your Ride

Sunday, 26 February 2012

Day 26 100 Freedom Breaths


Yes every 100 Freedom Breaths helps me come back into this now moment.   Just this now.  I can create my future moving forward, or remember experiences from my past - any other time.

But when I'm in the 100 my only intent is to be clearly present and in this now moment.

Its a discipline, its a rigorous requirement by me to do it daily.

To every moment just become fully present, and then play with life.  Instead of drifting in and out of being asleep.

Its fun, its challenging and its me playing with life.  How many different ways can I do the 100?

Clarity of Intention, freedom of passion, joy of playful curiosity and lightening up!

What else?  What next?

Joy Your Ride

Day 25 100 Freedom Breaths

Laughter the Medicine for the Soul

The absolute joy of tummy jogging as you laugh.
Laughter is food for the soul
100 breaths, over these 100 days, is rattling things up inside of me and I'm having to face my inner stuck-ness and work through to clarity of intent, free my passion even more and joyfully play.  Its curiosity that is winning out for me right now!

If you feel like a giggle for nothing or some stimulation enjoy this laughing youtube clip.

Day 24 100 Freedom Breaths

Questions the Power of Life

I have more questions than anything today.

For what purpose do we not know who we really are?
For what reason is the mind so distinctly delusional?
What happens if we get through mind clutter - I mean really get through mind clutter?
Most games in life - at least there are rulz?  Which begs the question who set these ones?

I'm a thinkin deeply I know!

Joy your Ride

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Day 23 100 Freedom Breaths

Practical or Mystical

Sometimes a touch of fantasy or mystical is all that is needed to revive the hope, joy and faith into a situation.   As I am exploring all of the different contexts of life, all the areas, and my responses to these area, I am noticing sometimes to simply change my perspective, all that is required is a deep breath and my full attention into the area, the energy that is held within that space will change and shift and adapt to a new contribution.  This new contribution of attention and presence is shifting and nurturing a new way of being into that area.  Releasing the old stuck energy of what I had coded an experience to be and releasing it to flow into a new experience.

The power of breath is magical, dynamic and transforms.   Every moment now is creating our future, so flowing energy allows the richness of an environment to be fertile.

I'm feeling deep discomfort today, following I don't know or anticipating I don't know.   I feel displaced and uncomfortable.   My energy feels split and shaky.   Perhaps there is a need today to enter the 100 Freedom Breaths with a clarity to align or re-align....or perhaps it is what it is and this will pass.

I certainly don't claim to know why I feel the way I do, the unknown perhaps, or the known perhaps.  Any which way, it is what it is and my breath and presence is the only thing that I have to keep me from running from myself.   Perhaps its the unearthing or unveiling of something for me to be aware of to own or to accept.

So in love and pure awareness of my body and energy discomfort I accept that change is occuring.

Joy your Ride - till tomorrow...Arohanui

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Day 22 100 Freedom Breaths

The Joy of Playful Curiosity

I'm discovering more and more that its my approach to life that makes the new areas of discovery fun and joyful.   When I say this, Its not just about attitude, its a curiosity like a child, exploratory to the extreme, willing to try on new ways of being, like playing dress-ups, willing to taste a new experience in a new way, willing to feel into the depth of something with the excitement of what could be explored instead of the very easy adult solution of "oh I already know".

The 100 Freedom Breaths, with the flow of curiosity is leading me to willingly dive into the old known aspects of self in a more fun way.  Delving into possibility and accepting whatever I find as only one perspective, opening up multiple perspectives and beginning to realise that there are even more than I can even conceive.

I'm willing to hold that reality is like a dream, everything within the reality dream has a purpose for being there.  Every emotion, expression, feeling, sensation, event, person, experience and view that I have is purposeful and holds messages and is still only one way of perceiving the current reality.

When I come across another person who is also willing to truly put down their beliefs and values for the exploration of possibility we begin to play just like these beautiful dolphins, in harmony with everything around and tuning into even more possibility.

The joy of playful curiosity is becoming a wonderful way to explore the small and the big of life's experiences.

I wonder what else can be experienced?

Joy Your Ride.

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Day 21 100 Freedom Breaths

A cute reminder that sometimes less said is the best.  I'm learning more and more that wisdom is when I say nothing, and in fact judge nothing and simply feel through any situation.  There is no doubt about the fact that we are sensory feeling beings, with magnificent minds and incredibly complex bodies.   All powered by some unseen force that permeates our entire being and is connected with everything and everyone.

How is it that we have believed so long that we are individual beings?  The beauty of the fact that for so long I have believed myself to be separate from everyone is the most glorious giggle.  It is true, on the face of it I am not you, you are not me, we have separate bodies, minds, lives, experiences, beliefs, values etc.

Yet on a deeper look, a deep exploration, with curious eyes that are willing to see differently than they have been trained to see, an entirely new world awaits.   This incredible illusion of separation has its perfect place, its a grand way to experience.  Its a blessed way to investigate how we create in isolated environments.  Its a truly glorious place to experience, especially with the inner knowledge and knowing that this apparently insular environment is still a part of the whole universe and its experience of itself.

I'm feel deeply blessed right now.  Grateful for the 100 Freedom Breath experience that is bringing me to face myself, my inner fears, my insular awareness's and the joy of this experience in the greater view of everything!

Joy Your Ride

Monday, 20 February 2012

Day 20 100 Freedom Breaths

The Power of Metaphor

Isn't it fascinating how life stories permeate through our lives.   Often its great to be reminded, and this is me reminding me too, that a metaphor isn't real, its simply a story we tell ourselves.  However that powerful story also influences us.  It leads and guides the mind to discover ways of relating within our lives to the internal story within our mind.

These stories may change and alter during our life course.  They can be powerful and useful, or derogatory and un-useful.

For the longest time one of my life metaphors has been about horses.  Having grown up with horses from a baby it makes sense that these metaphors are deeply embedded.     I also known where I am in a life situation within myself according to how I am riding my internal horse, saddle, reigns and clothes, or bareback, and without reigns.  I also know how I'm feeling about the path I'm on as to whether my internal story is hilly, through forest, water, along the beach or a road.   This will often reflect my experience of current situations in life.

If my horse is bucking and rolling its eyes and I'm struggling to stay on, I remember from my experience with horses to trust them and to give them head and to stop fighting the process instead to become one with the animal (life experience) and in a very short time, I discover I have accepted the circumstances in my life and I'm easily dealing with them again.

The 100 Breaths continue to be a way of surrendering to the flow and enjoying the ride of life, allowing me to have the best of life on a more continuous basis instead of being annoyed or fighting my own path that I have created.

The flow, clarity and conscious attention to the present moment is allowing me more and more to let go of the past, to embrace the now and to more consciously create the future.

However more and more I'm less controlling about how my future "should be", I'm trusting my inner creative juices to formulate new ways of being and new experiences.  This is dramatically different than how I had in the past been creating my life.   It is removing disappointment too, because now, I'm accepting more that the inner feelings I'm having are driving creations and my reality moving forward, so observing the feelings are a far more powerful way to observe future creations than attempting to know what is coded within the images that are being made!   Visualization is powerful, and is continuously occuring every moment of our day so the inner awareness of the emotions that are playing through the body are like a GPS system that indicates what is actually being visualized!

Fun stuff, all observations at this point, and still learning!

Joy your Ride!

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Day 19 100 Freedom Breaths


There is something simply fabulous about watching a cat stretch.   As I watched my two cats relaxing, playing, sleeping and stretching yesterday I noticed how they reserved energy in such a beautiful way.

As I was headed for bed last night I did my 100 Freedom Breaths, having observed the way a cat stretched, I too began to breath into my body and stretch.   Each and every limb, torso etc....(no need to carry on).  As I went deeper into the 100, the stretches became more profoundly releasing, I could feel the awakening of my body the oxygen going into all the spaces.  The breaths also extended out of my body too, an awareness of the space around me.

I find it fascinating the environments that we live within.  The obvious external environment which changes as we move through our day and the inner environment within the mind/body.   This is what I'm focusing on now.  Not content, beliefs, values etc etc.

The Environment!  Clarity of Intent and the effect of the environment both external and internal.    I'm also aware that we effect the environment around us....lots to be aware of.

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Day 18 100 Freedom Breaths

The pure joy that I experienced last night as I was listening to raw talent, the voices of angels, the crystal clear sound of voices that touched every cell in your body as your listening!

I was so inspired and even brought to tears and then I added the 100, feeling the sounds within my body, enjoying the stretch and the relaxation as my body breathed.

What an incredible experience.  One that has so few words I'm not even going to continue blogging.  Its something that you can only experience for yourself in your own way.  What a joy a pure voice brings.

Day 17 100 Freedom Breaths

Bringing Awareness into the Present Moment

True to form the 100 Freedom breaths are continuously causing me to become more conscious of where my attention is placed, how I am attending to my life and other people.   I'm feeling more connected to my inner flow and the conscious awareness of where I am more and more often.  Not the "where I am" physically, although that is also becoming a more sensory experience, but the "where is my attention now", am I coming from my heart, my head, my fears, my inner essence, a place and space that is useful or a re-run of life.

These awakenings are allowing me to be more present and bring presence into the worries, concerns, fears and dramas of life.  My presence when it shines upon these situations, thoughts and feelings seems to change them dramatically.   In truth its probably only a little bit, but my transformation of these habitual patterns are dramatically altering the course of my attention, the freedom of my attention and therefore a higher awareness of whether I am clear with my intent.

This Clarity of Intent is allowing me to follow down new ways of being, exploring gently and subtly aspects of myself that have often been over looked, forced to remain quiet, or pushed down.

I knew in myself that the inner dragons, demons and shadows within my life would become highlighted through this 100, because the focus is about Clarity of Intent, and of course that immediately draws attention to anything that is taking me away from a clear and intentional path.

As I sit here now, I realise that over the last couple of weeks, I have had moments where I have had to face myself, old patterns that have played out and decide where to from there.  Presence, my presence brought into those moments has been the absolute best solution.  If I have gone into thinking and changing those or trying to outsmart or out think the patterns I have failed and have had to look at them again.  But the moment pure aware presence guided through the breath comes in, and an observing no judging, acceptance reigns, then the light of awareness has changed my path.   And more often than not, I have simply let it be, let that aspect of me have some air, in a quiet safe place within me fully bringing my intention, attention and energy into the one place.

Chemically I know this changes the density of the old energy.  For I can feel it.

Wow, it excites me even recalling through words these moments, because I can feel the lightness of my body as a result of showing up and being present.

I'm grateful and thankful for the 100, on the very basis that I continue to consciously breath more and more and more during the day.  I know breath is breath is air is air, but its doing something wonderful and causing life to become easier.

If you are participating In the 100, may you too experience your own joy of this very easy, simple and basic wonder.

Joy Your Ride.

Thursday, 16 February 2012

Day 16 100 Freedom Breaths

Our bodies speak with Wisdom

I had a very interrupted 100.  Interrupted by body needs, a glass of water! Nature calling!   Awareness of my left knee being sore!   For a little while I judged myself not fully staying with the full flowing 100.  Then I stopped when I realised - that's perfect, that's exactly what I had not been listening to, My Body!

As I then relaxed into the rhythms of my body, into the awareness of tightness, of relaxation, of the needs that it has I began to listen with a deeper ear, with a quiet sense of hearing.    This brought a brightness into my space and a gratefulness for all of the functions of my body, and I began to deeply appreciate how day in day out, moment by moment, every cell within my body works within its role with other cells, all communicating, sharing information, knowledge and wisdom, working toward the necessary needs that my body has.

It may be more water to lubricate the system, a big breath to oxygenate, or a yawn, a stretch, nutrition, food or rest.  This incredibly intelligent bio-chemical being with all its intricate workings continually houses the experiences I have.  All the electromagnetic impulses, the unseen and intelligent space in between all of this.

I'm in awe of my body, our bodies, our magnificent sacred blessed bodies!

The wisdom within.

Joy your Ride

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Day 15 100 Freedom Breaths

Every day is a day to experience.   It all starts when we emerge from the depth of sleep, any dream that we leave is left in that place and we move into a more awakened place, sometimes the memory of the dream if the imprint is strong remains with us for a little while, often though the dream is left in the dream world and we can't even remember them!

Then as we go through our day we go in and out of various levels of awareness, in and out of our thoughts, sometimes completely immersed in our inner world where our attention is caught up in a situation, event or emotional experience.  Other times brought into the present moment because of another situation.

This multi-dimensional way that we live is fascinating.  The 100 Freedom Breaths have allowed me to become more and more aware on an ongoing basis of these shifts in attention, these movements from one trance-like state to another, these levels of awareness.

I am in awe with the power of our human development.  The levels of clarity from one trance state to another can become cloudy and distorted - even completely forgotten.   In one realm of thought I can be caught up in my identity as a mother or business woman or lover and have a complete disconnect from my authentic self in that moment.  Each identity shift seems to highlight a different facet of self, a different set of beliefs, past experiences and expectations.  In many cases each Identity has simply held its ground, building on its own belief of itself, sometimes using a starting pack from lessons when I was a child.

For example.  Relationships, I began with the Starter Pack the old already installed programmes from my parents relationship.   I entered into adult life and built upon that Identity around relationship without even thinking to question some of the programmes, the rules, the over-rides, the expectations, the "defaults" of this experience called relationship.   I think its so much fun now - looking at it.  Yet I completely acknowledge at the time of experiencing relationships that didn't work I simply believed it ALL to be true!

Lets investigate the difference when I'm aware of my own programmes, the effect of the Identity (ego) the make up of it, the structure and the role that its playing.  Now my authentic self, the true essence has a inner flow, an awareness to realise every thought, energy and action taken through that Identity is creating my future.  Now I am able to realise that I am none of these.  They are simply a set of programmes, rules, parts, values, beliefs and capabilities.  Not who I am.  Not who you are.

We are exquisite multi-dimensional beings and as we awaken to this, we can more consciously co-create together to explore new paths, new ways of being, new expressions of the God blessed potentiality that exists within us, the raw potential of creation.  The orgasmic excitement of bringing something new into our world.

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Day 14 100 Freedom Breaths

Its a pure joy when I recall the interest of last nights 100.  I again decided to use another breathing technique that places full focus upon belly breathing, but this time in and out of the mouth.  Now even though my mind was a little hesitant I proceeded anyway.   They are fast breaths in for two and out for 1, so the 100 happened very fast.   Some parts of my mouth became dry, but as I was also participating fully the saliva formed quickly as though I was talking about something delicious.

Have you ever noticed how when you are in an argument your mouth goes dry?  This is especially true when its something you don't like talking about.   In contrast when you are loving a conversation your mouth will fill with saliva.   Look at little babies, when they are exploring the world through taste, they dribble a lot.  They are excited about their own explorations!

My body tingled nearer the end and as I chose to do the very energetic 100 before I went to bed I wondered whether sleep would come easily.  To my pure delight as I lay processing the experience and taking myself off to sleep my body responded very quickly.

So that's the what happened.

My musings of the journey of Clarity of Intent has evolved to begin to notice more fully where my attention is being placed.  I'm becoming clearly more aware of my thoughts.   If they are off into something that has already happened often my body becomes tense and it becomes boring!    When I purposely become attentive to the present moment and to newness and creation and becoming and evolving there is a deep sense of excitement.  Its like all my cells in my body are smiling like a field of sunflowers.   So I instantaneously know that that state for the body is a healthy state.  Alert, interested and happy.

Talking about happy.  There was years and years in my life where I simply wanted to be happy.  I gave up that in about 1998.  Since then I have realised that happiness occurs in the moment.  It is something that naturally occurs when the mind and body aligns.  I have had so many clients that I have worked with who have been in the search for happiness.   It's an interesting search, because as long as they are looking outside of themselves, they will never truly find it.

Our human nature is to search, to explore, to create, to evolve.  Our human condition is to believe our own stories and illusions that the mind has developed.   Human nature seeks moments of ecstatic, exquisite urgency, where as the human condition wants to be happy.

I know which one I'm choosing more and more.

Joy your Ride! 

Monday, 13 February 2012

Day 13 100 Freedom Breaths

Whatever life brings, there are moments where our true authentic self quietly with exquisite subtle power says.  "This way".   I know for myself I may have tried to do my own thing and still its like I keep going on a round about coming to the same choices.  And eventually I go down the path that seems the least well trodden the least lite, but the one to take anyway.

The exquisite joy of going into the unknown a new way of being down a path that is new, is the joy of living on the edge of creation.  In a realm that is awaiting exploration and a new becoming of self.

In the inner reflections of our being, in the interconnectedness of oneness there awaits co-creation.  Something I have studied for over 15 years, and I still stand in awe of how we co-create together.  What is it that draws one to another, circumstances to oneself and opportunity to become at every moment of every day?   How is it that sometimes my robotic self continues to build barriers and concerns, worries and drama's when they are all an illusion and I for moments in time believe them to be true?   For what purpose does this illusion feel like a reality so real that its fixed?  For what purpose do I allow disillusion to take hold?

When we are gifted with such magnificent opportunity for exploration and pure potent creation - how come the hum drum of habituated patterns take precedence instead of the magestic becoming of life?

Perhaps this is the awakening state.  The trances of life that I have lived have varied immensely dependent on how much responsibility I am willing to take for all of life's realities.  The deeper and more somber the life drama - the deeper the trance I was in.  The awakening from those places have been an extremely interesting path to walk.   Like the awakening from a deep sleep where I had been dreaming and believing my dream to be real, and as I came through the veils of sleep into the more conscious awareness, there was a disoriented experience.  One of not knowing which one was real.  Of not knowing whether one could really only have been a dream, and the discovery that morning wakefulness is a place of potential has made me aware that the trance, asleep dream states have left some energetic memory that I am at choice of to either re-create and focus upon - or completely let go of and enter with excitement into the moment of creating our future.

Much to ponder on - and although I'm still learning and beginning to express, I am excited by this metaphor. For is being awake simply awakening from the attachments of illusions and "dreams" of what we thought were real?


Joy Your Ride

Saturday, 11 February 2012

Day 12 100 Freedom Breaths

Its not autumn here in New Zealand yet, but it was very much for me in the 100 today.

I allowed myself to become unconscious too much this weekend.  I ate and drank food that I know does not feed my "best awareness" levels.  And that's ok, I choose to do that.

And during my 100 just now, I was very much just becoming more aware of my body, taking in the moments of my energy areas that were a little blocked a little sluggish and little murky.  And so as each breath entered,  it drew me to where I needed to shine a little light, draw and oxygenate and replenish and love.

Simple, easy and kind.   Gently paying full attention as each breath exhaled, noticing the shifts and changes, really just being, preparing myself to be able to more clearly participate at a conscious level again.  Bringing out the awake playful side, designing the necessary patterns to remain awake.

My version of life, is that we are all here to evolve and its takes everyone to participate and be present and be involved in life and the greater aspects of life as a oneness - not as a singular soul having its traumas and dramas. I know that people are all in the place they are in. I know that we all have our own life experiences to consider and I also know when someone is vastly aware of their spiritual nature, that it is then their duty to be a part of life on this planet, to be very much a grounded spirit being working diligently to perform our part that we are playing in moving toward enlightened beings who walk here on this planet in joy and peace and harmony with what is, ever present allowing newness to occur.

My path in life is very sure, I am joyed by people and who they are in their ease or dis-ease, I'm also open to most ways of being, still working to accept the spirit beings who are thinking they are separate from others - the ones who are seeking another being to fulfil themselves, when deep inside we already are whole, we already are complete. We already are divine beings playing in a field of matter and experiencing the joys and sorrows of our perception that that is all there is.

Sometimes we experience great pain or suffering or loss in our lives and this is the Opportunity for us to truly deeply and significantly release ourselves from our own life drama's, yes there are lessons inside of these experiences, and most of all there are moments to realise its the story we have been telling ourselves that actually provides the opportunity for the imprint to occur.   

I like ease in life, I have no interest in attachments and energy interactions that continue to feed our individualised experience. 

So with the awakened playful side of becoming I fully accept my life as it is and as I have created it.

I completely acknowledge that the 100 allows the becoming of us over and over, and I also recognise the power of the 100 Freedom Breaths to simply allow me to awaken again to the full beauty of life.

Joy Your Ride

Day 11 100 Freedom Breaths

So often in my life I get to this point.  This internal reflective point where something (doesn't really matter what the trigger) has occurred and I decide to take an internal journey into what has attracted an experience into my life.

Good, bad or otherwise, I am a deep believer in the fact that every occurrence is a reflection of things I have somehow drawn in, rejected or called upon in some way.   For no matter what happens I always sit in a choice moment.  A place where I can either react or respond, or go into cause and change the situation.

I haven't always been so aware of this, sometimes it used to be every number of months I would kinda wake up in a situation and realise that I was responsible.  Now almost daily I get to those points.   And I celebrate the beauty of it, and I can also say sometimes I feel a little inner annoyance - because it would be "lovely to pretend I'm not responsible".  Oh however to face everything with my eyes wide open, my heart open and to listen to the quiet still voice of my authentic self takes conscious choice.  It demands of me to still my random thoughts, to stop the internal chatter of story and to let go of the strings of pretend control.   It requests of me to  go quietly within myself and ask a useful question to direct my mind.

"How would my authentic self become within this situation?"

Silence reigns instead of an answer.   My brain and mind had developed patterns that were rutted deep in reasons, justifications, illusions and fantasy, blaming others, refusal and denial.   For old questions used to run like "Why....why is this happening?"  Well there is a library of answers for that a museum of technological art and theoretical answers to "WHY?"    But I don't want those answers, they keep me running through a muddy valley, and sinking into the ruts of the problem instead of sitting on the mountain for authentic contemplation, quiet in the awareness of the much larger picture, the quantum exquisite becoming that we are all participating within.

So the far more useful authentic truth was just a guiding feeling, an awareness I Must BE Responsibile, face everything and lead with Clarity of Intent.

So I still sit quietly upon this mountain, and as I do in full presence the breeze of intelligent life moves my hair and touches my sink.  The vistas of pure universal beauty can be explored, the touch of the current now reality is here.

It is me that will bring the rattle and hum of the busy mind, or the screech and rumble of the vehicles of old thought that whisk around a city of illusional mind.

I sit in choice - either the beautiful mountain or the busy city.   I sit in choice.   I know which one my authentic self has already chosen...

Joy your Ride

Friday, 10 February 2012

Day 10 100 Freedom Breaths

This 100 Freedom Breath process is the greatest reminder to keep consciously aware of what is normalised or patterned within my life.

There are so many things that I Just simply don't even take my attention too.  The pounding of a base drum playing on a car stereo, the crickets cackling or crackling to each other, the sound of the key board as I tap, the feel of the seat under me, my feet upon the floor, where my breathing is located, and full my breaths are that I'm taking, the focus of my mind or the thought that is going through my head now.

It does feel so lovely to simply participate as the sound for a moment and then break away from the sound and discover the spaces between, same with the feeling, feeling body position and then go in full attention to the part in discussion and merge with it.  Or perhaps discover the light and light mindedness.

Life is such a beautiful exploration - the way I feel right now, the less rights and wrongs applied to anyone the freer we are to discover our unfolding potentiality.

Joy your Ride

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Day 9 100 Freedom Breaths

A Relaxing 100

Sometimes I simply feel tired, low in energy and want to sleep.  Have you ever felt like that?

That was me last when I was aware that I still had my 100 to complete - and a blog!!  (self decided of course) I lay upon my bed and started to breath, not from my nose, but expanding my ribs, this is a great way to entice immediate body connection.   As you expand your ribs, naturally and it will pull air into your body.  Kind of like a bottle that has been squeezed slightly and is then placed into water, it sucks the water into the bottle as the bottle expands.  This breathing technique is used to develop a greater lung capacity in developing speech and singing.

As I did this my body, even though tired began to energise.  I was in control this time and by the count of 25 I was keen to quicken the process so I could get to bed.  I stood up and did the same breathing technique but this time stretching my arms out either side of my body and bringing my arms up and down with the breath, much faster than normal.   I did this to the count of 75 staying as fully present as possible.  Feeling far more energised I returned to my bed and did the final 25 slowly and consciously.

I can honestly say that this 100 was a purposeful "doing it because I have decided to be disciplined".   The sense of accomplishment even though a little thing builds one day upon the other, of "doing what I say I'm going to do."  Its a beautiful slow build in trust of self and raises my own awareness to the fact that its the little things in life that we continually practise and attend to that makes the masterful process of conscious living a very real thing.

I could have given myself reasons to not do the 100 yesterday.  I could have justified it away.  But instead, standing by my commitment I feel a foundational balance of life threading through the layers of illusions that we have lived from an asleep state.

Conscious deliberate living, deliberate conscious awareness, which everyway its said, whichever approach it brings a moment of clarity, where I can build upon a knowledge of how Intent is so magically playing out in life all of the time.

Thank you beautiful fellow human
Thank you for our co-creations in life.
Thank you for being you!

Joy Your Ride! 

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Day 8 100 Freedom Breaths

8th of February 2012

It was a decision made with a beautiful friend of mine who is also doing the 100 Days of 100 Freedom Breaths.   She said she was going to do a crystal 100 and I was inspired to also discover the magic of the 100 with crystals.

As is the beautiful case with the 100 Breaths, they always happen as they are to occur and not always according to plan!   (Little bit like trying to herd cats!)   I do love how there is already an idea, yet the 100 will always take you where you need to go, not necessarily where you think you "want to go".

So, we agreed we would do the 100 at about the same time in the evening around 9pm, both of us working with crystal energies....well what actually occurred was...

9pm rolled around and the kids should be off to bed because its school the next day.  Right that's about normal isn't it?   Ok didn't happen!  My almost 11 year old daughter joked and mucked around with me stringing out her bedtime.  My 17 year old son had disappeared for a late night run about 8.45, and I had expected according to patterns that he would come in, shower check out the social media sites and then pop off to bed at 10pm.   

In the meantime I started to bring out my crystals and place them outside in the moonlight.  Even though the clouds were thick I did regularly see the moon shining brightly through gaps promising to be there when I was ready.

I made myself a drink and went outside to sit on the balcony with my bare feet dangling over the side alongside my crystals and tea.   Both cats and my dog gathered around me, then returning from his run my son found me outside and sat along with me chatting and teasing me about what I was doing, you know the crystals and the moon.  We laughed and talked, him sharing some of his world, me sharing some of mine, with little interludes of "Mum what have you been smoking, oh thats right you don't need to, your crazy already" I giggled along with him, watching the moon rays, but not seeing the moon, here is the thing, the two cats, dog "Puppy" and my son continued to stay with me.  What a delightful gift!   

But I wasn't going to start the 100 with him there.  For a felt a need to be alone with this 100.   This continued until 11pm.  Significant because his self imposed bed rules were not attended too!   He seemed to enjoy the process we both experienced as the sky began to clear and we talked about space, universe and other intangible things.  Of course all his discussions were based on science, and he teased me when it came to "Mum's fantasy" as he called it.  What a pure delight!

So, if you are still reading, then this next part is for you because its another level of connectivity that the 100 has called from within me.

My son eventually went inside to shower, so I started a partially participating 100.  I could feel the call to go deeper, but I held back knowing at any stage he would come out to say good night.    By about 30 I was feeling a deep pull from my feet into the ground and a pull from the moon herself.     I resisted my body moving too much and instead went into a trance like state while focused upon the moon.   Each breath gently encouraged my feet to feel deeper into the earth and as I pushed down I felt the surge of energy from the earth coming up, this beautiful feeling brought me more and more grounding, yet I was staring directly at the moon!

I finished that 100 and finally my son went to bed! its my turn to enjoy more fully.   I turned all the lights in the house off, and went back outside.   The clouds had all rolled on and the moon was in full visibility!  Perfect!   Immediately we returned to the place we had been before. 

Moving away from individuality and toward connectivity!

This next 100 was very subtle, very slow and very connected.  My feet planted deeply within the earth I could feel her rhythms, my body gently arched and my navel lead with this next 100.   I could feel the connection with the moon through my belly, as I more fully connected, I became glaringly aware to slow my rhythm down, to feel the subtleties of the movement.   I went in and out of heightened awareness of the night sounds to extreme awareness of the gentle pull and tug upon the earth from the moons pull.    LOUDLY and with absolute certainty I knew to explore gently, because I could feel so much of our mother nature, her interactions, the movement of the tides, the gentle throb of the inner core of the earth, The Womb of the Goddess.

I learnt at an even deeper level the subtle power of our connectivity.

With true love and admiration to everyone and everything on our planet earth, thank you for our very existence.  Thank you for the oneness that we already are, for that was the other experience I had.  For when the moon again became covered by a dark cloud, I could still feel her presence, and the in and out breath applied what I know as a fractionation (an up and down, in and out, aware and not aware, connected and sense of individualness).  By the way I know some of my words are almost made up, as I am attempting to discover words to articulate such a deep experience.   This fractionation left me feeling deeply aware that we are always connected to everything and everyone, its simply my level of awareness at any time that places an illusion of separation.

Well I guess that brings us to the end of my experience of the 100 for the 8th day.

So in one with you I breath
In one with the earth we breath
In one breath we already are connected.

Joy Your Ride!

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Day 7 100 Freedom Breaths

7th February 2012

I'm going to call today's experience the Racing 300!  There is a simple reason, and that's because I decided on my walk with my daughter and our gorgeous purse-puppy - so originally named "Puppy"!   Anyway - it was an interesting decision.  We decided to walk around the race-course.

I was walking fast and also attempting to stay very present when my daughter was chatting!  haha....Oh dear - My first hundred raced through - and well, I felt to carry on.  The second 100 she ran ahead and I was able to focus far more....these 100 seemed to very much be a release, lots of relief as I breathed out....just before about 80 my daughter stood waiting for me to catch up with her.

I must say - I at first felt a little annoyed and then realised this is it - this is life!   I'm giggling just thinking about this whole beautiful learning.

One of my forever interests in life is how to get past being the monk on the hill!   I have desired to bring that beautiful spiritual presence into what I class as the "Real world", which is and of its self hilarious - because its illusional anyway!  Ok, but my point here is that this was IT!   Being Present and conscious and participating in life!

This particular 100 was conscious breathing - when in the presence of other people.  Moving meditation and communication with another, relational breathing, conscious deliberate now attention in the moment with another being too!

As I grasped the idea my joy started to rise and I loved every moment of completing the second 100.   Of course as we carried on - I naturally followed through with the third 100.

Now it became more of a "song or rhythm in my head", the occupier of my space when I wasn't engaged in listening to my daughter!

So the racing 300 was a completely different experience all together.  It highlighted as the 100 Freedom Breaths always do a very natural human process.   We always have time to connect with others - but are we taking them up?

How can I more fully enjoy every moment of conscious breathing and enjoy other people, causing a natural conscious awareness and presence to become habituated? (Kind of an exciting question really).

People who are very present in themselves and self aware are such a pleasure to be in the same room with.  They judge less, say less, act out less and basically move through life less "stuck" in story, "drama" and illusion.   These are the people who care deeply but don't buy into their own or other peoples justification, denial or blame .   Instead they view life as a connected existence, full of fun, exploration and possibility.  They live with their centre of self knowing that its a part of something glorious, creative and blessed.

It excites me that every human being has this potential, this way of being inside of them, simply awaiting to become.

Now this is something to explore!
Go the Racing 300!
Breathe consciously my friend
Joy Your Ride

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Day 6 100 Freedom Breaths

6 February 2012 - Waitangi Day

I simply knew from the moment I decided to do today's 100 breaths that it would be a movement one!  I felt the internal movement and flow instantaneously and as I walked into my lounge I felt the power of change surging inside of myself.    I kicked my jandels off, and I felt the surge of nature through our heart rimu floor, the cold wood on my warm feet, and yet the life within it.    From experience of these types of 100's my feet instantly secured themselves hip length apart and my arms spread wide, my little inner-self kinda shuddered with the thought!  "Here we go..."

By the second breath my body was already moving to an internal rhythm, shifting my weight and discovering the balances and imbalances within my body.  At first I felt a sharpness with the inhale, a forcefulness, a need to overcome the resistance of letting go.  There is a moment here each time when I can choose to jump into the unknown or attempt to control and consciously make sense of what is occurring. This momentary decision played on a couple of breaths, but my intent and body had obviously already had a discussion and had already decided!  It was already exploring and following the energy shifts and strands in my energetic space, my mind and ego may have had some idea to remain in control, but the energy and intention of the 100 was coming full force both from within and outside.   Then there was that moment, blessed suspended moment when I surrendered into the process itself, trusting at exquisitely deep levels as I explore and delve into the known and unknown regions of our inner being.

The dynamic entry is often - as was this one, a full force ride through the atmosphere of energetic uncertainty, up-ending and unnerving to the delicate balance of the sane mind.   My hands discovered the energy lines and threads of where to follow and they worked within the energy dislodging with rapid friction and movement feeling the unseen, and entering into the realm of vibration, this was not so gentle on my body as it senses the vibrational flow and moves in harmony and response to this interruptive energy that forcefully awakens sleeping stuck-ness and dry deadened un-oxygenated parts within me, for as these are dislodged the space around them begins to awaken the creative equal to the energy my intent is calling.

As the two energies circulate and meet each other my body vibrates at increasing speeds, the contrast to any dulled matter (I call them old patterns) that has hardened is sought out and the new energy seeks to engage it to reawaken to a new level.   As breathing is my only conscious way of staying present I face the inner aspects of myself with full attention.  Those previously unowned and rejected aspects of me are drowned with my full presence and attention. This seems to awaken them and their energy shifts and mingles with the pure energy that flows through the stimulated energy vortex that my hands are applying friction too.    A sweep of energy surges into my body filling me with a new sense of myself I feel the internal disruption completely.  A good descriptions is like pouring tonnes of fresh water into a bucket that is full of muddy density.  As the pure fresh energy floods my system the moments of confusion continue and all I have to hold onto is the count and  breathe at this moment completely taken by the surge of the flow.  In truth the best way to label this feeling is orgasmic, on every level.  

This continues and then subsides slightly - a calm and gentle rhythm lovely and quite....for a moment.

Somehow - I do not know what leads, my hands and arms begin to work with a new vibration and the rhythm changes this time spinning the vortex in a different way interfering with how it was moving previously, this new direction places me into a new choice - Will I?  Can I? Am I willing to trust the process to the next level?

Another deep breath, this one again forced as I make my choice, I feel the sharp exhale, the choice is made and a loud and intrusive burning clouds my head area, the force pushing in upon my entire being an intense vibration that seeks to squeeze me out of current knowing.   As this continues I draw in a very conscious breath to accept the intense pressure that is coming from every side - it feels as though my head will explode or even perhaps implode, then just as I'm overwhelmed, before me, in my inner eye I see a deep dark passage - that seems to extend into the depths of the universe (quite honestly I'm both elated and hellishly nervous at the same time).  If feel as though I'm being sucked into this vortex my intention is seeking something, something that is there within the nothingness of space.  

How is it that my hands know what to do?  How is it that my breathing rapidly shifts and begins sucking from the vortex?   My sane mind seems to be peaked in attention.  Every attention particle within me is focused upon this place - this unknown edge of creation.   My whole being, mind, body, emotion, led by my out of conscious clear intention begins to draw into itself whatever it is that is down that vortex.   A part of my sanity is incredibly challenged and even though I swing in and out of conscious knowing perhaps led by my breath, there is an aspect of me that is scared, probably challenged would be the correct word, challenged by not knowing what it is, having to continue trusting the process, surrendering to something far greater than me, placing complete faith in evolution and expansion no matter how bewildering it is for the ego and controlling patterned mind.

The intensity of the pull of this is hard on my body.  I feel my feet gripping to the floor, my pelvis and hips are moving and drawing too, my hands are pulling at invisible energy strands, and to be really honest for a moment as I observed myself from a space of ego consciousness I felt I could be from the legend of Maui.  

I'm being honest when I say that I still have no idea what I was pulling but every aspect of me; my intention, attention, purpose, focus and will was engaged one hundred percent.    I fell into the flow again and this continued my hands drawing with fascinating strength and purpose every inch of my body participating.  My muscles where taut I could feel the pressure from the other end, the inner space of the unknown being pulled at, being called in - what was on the other end I did now know - but I knew it was important.  

Then the energy changed directly and easily it was brought to the surface.  I felt the thrill as the edges of the energy touch my energy and I experienced a flood of overwhelm and excitement as I knew it was coming into my space - or I into its space.   My energy and body began to welcome its presence - this unknown, this bewildering newness, the excitement of something drawn from the depths of the creative evolving universe.

My count was still continuing - remember this is what keeps me in place.   I'm at 97 and only just beginning to feel the rapture of experience, only just beginning to explore this new energy as my count continues a joy that is extra-ordinary to experience overwhelms me.   My body again becomes organismic shuddering with pure delight, energetic and emotional pleasure.  100, and I'm so not finished!  

No more count required, I bask in the continued vibration of energy through my body, my body continues to integrate this vast newness.  A new creative expression of self drawn from the collective universe its self.  I'm in joy of our beings, I'm in joy and appreciative even now as I write - knowing there were others pulling this new evolution into our world with me.  I'm in true awe of trusting the process of life and creation its very vibrant energy that is ever ready to express in truly new ways.

Eventually I bring the energy into my space and awareness and now I will explore what this new possibility is, what this will bring into the regions of exploration and creation.   I break from the continuing 100 as I feel the settling within and around me and my physical needs call, for water and food.

Well - so there we go for the first time - I share as much of an experience as I can.  Every 100 is vastly different when it gets to this level - there are some patterns that occur with regard to my body awakening and integrating - but the energy and exploration each time is its own expression.  I feel very honoured to have trusted myself enough a year ago when this process started to occur.  I still feel very honoured to again reach into the inner realms of the unknown and delve into the merging exquisite expanse of who we really are.   I feel very honoured if you have read this blog for your time and attention.

I do not know where this is all leading - all I know is that I have started another journey, this time with the courage to track it, this time with the need to capture it, this time with an urgency that is as significant as the last, but this time with such a compelling desire to evolve that I shudder in excitement as I even bring the intent into my awareness.

Thank you fellow breather, fellow co-creator,
Breathing with you
Joy Your Ride

Day 5 100 Freedom Breaths

5 February 2012

Even though I was tired and slow today, I still held Clarity of Intent to experience the 100.  I ran a bath and soaked within the warmth of it.  As I did I started to consciously breath.  Each breath circulating through my body.  My lazy mind darted in an out of the familiar and I lost conscious count at about 15 for a number of breaths.   When I realised I re-focused and purposefully attended to breathing and feeling the power of presence...

It's so easy in life to go into robotic mode.  To be completely unaware as we move through our day, doing tasks and responding to life.  It's so easy to let the mind simply wander in and out of thoughts and getting taken through the myriad of webs of the mind.  I noticed that this meandering is often with content that has already occurred and plays over like an ad running and re-running on the TV, one thought leading to another and another, I'm sure it has purpose?  Well actually I'm not sure, I feel when I'm in a lazy and unaware state that it is simply noise, mind noise which is familiar and easy.

I have a feeling though, that this mind noise distracts from our incredible creative authenticity.   When I'm aware and conscious of myself, my mind, my body, my emotions through observing, paying attention and aware of my intentions, its a completely different experience all together, there is an excitement, a willingness and an anticipation within me.   This purposeful attentiveness seems to invoke creativity and new thoughts, it plays with purpose and offers new unexplored content.

I'm the first to admit that my mind muscles are what I would call lazy.   They keep running through similar patterns, going over easy already walked and screened experiences, documentaries within my mind that I'm updating and reinforcing.   Why I ponder....

In this moment now I just realised why that occurs (well for me) as the images build I assign emotion (connection) to them, now this I admit has been an unconscious process even though done with expertise by my powerful mind.  However in this moment I realise the purpose of it.  

The emotions feed the energy of the thought, and this then builds the thought into something more substantial.  As each thought runs through - supposedly carelessly, I then acquire the necessary values and beliefs that will build the energy of the thought.   The constant re-run from various angles begins to build a collective of experience.  Goodness I'm in awe right now!  Thats it - what incredible beings we are.  This thought energy then grows and as it is re-run again, it will then be assigned to other experiences - either real or imagined to build a complete system of knowledge within myself of this type of experience.

Let me give an example:   Lets say it its an argument, (by the way - had or not had yet).   The playing through of this "argument" will begin to attract emotions that back up an experience - forward come some options (normally old borrowed beliefs I would imagine) that feed into the thought, these emotions then draw attention to the situation and values and beliefs show up to be chosen to support the current perspective.   Now I know that at the time I'm not aware of this process within me - I'm simply Doing what I do, CREATE!

I'm seriously very excited right now - just having been through this thought.  Ok back to the "argument" at hand. (because that's what the mind would do), now its had time to collect an entire library of resource that will continue to feed that "argument situation" the playing over and fine tuning of tone of voice and facial expressions of the person, feeds into the thought energy and draws even more emotion and a complete string of connection, beliefs and values - this "hardens" the experience to put into play a reaction.   We will then either act out this "argument creation" or store it for a later date!

Fascinating!  Simply glorious.  Love it.

So I'm wondering - keeping in mind the purpose of these 100 Days of 100 Breaths and the purpose to increase and begin to understand Clarity of Intent what else I can learn as each breath allows space to evolve!

PS posted the day after (oops time flew by yesterday)

Breathing with you
Joy Your Ride

Friday, 3 February 2012

Day 4 100 Freedom Breaths

4th February 2012

Discovering the power of Attention will transform a life

Attention is such a fascinating thing.   Have you ever been on a bike riding along and then looked over your shoulder?  What happens?  You know!  The bike begins to change direction, ever so slightly, but it does and then the curb comes exceptional close, or the middle of the road is all of a sudden upon you!  

A quiet 100 this morning, peaceful and flowing, easily discovering the inner realms of my body and being, exploring the nature of how I'm made up.  Effortlessly enjoying the process of life itself as I lay consciously observing the ebbs and flows of thought and attention.

Yes attention is a powerful thing.   Another thing I have noticed is when my attention is focused or stuck on a situation, and even though I may be present in a room and a little voice (my kids) is chattering away yet my mind is obsessed with a thought.  All attention is placed upon the thought, the movie in my head and the unfolding of this thought.   And then I get jolted with "MUM...your not listening!"  Oh that right, they are so right!  I had my attention placed internally and there was none outside of me.  Now with my attention placed on me, the choice sits with my conscious attention to be replaced upon them.

Mmm....interesting ever had a business meeting and someoneelses attention is placed upon something that is not adding to the meeting?  Frustrating?  Oh it can be.   Or in that same meeting everyone appears to be participating well at least with their body, yet a question is asked that demands an answer and no-one responds.  Again attention is the key.

A school teacher in a classroom knows this and will same something like "Attention please".  There is so much power in that statement.  So much wisdom.   "All attention here please"   This majestic power of attention directs a human beings awareness into a focused place.  Without the focus upon something specific the person  will simply apply habitual robotic like behaviours as they are wrapped up in their internal world.

As we focus here for a moment upon the significance of your attention - a question may arise.  Where is your attention now?  Why is this important?  Because where ever your attention is placed will make a huge difference in how you act out in the world.   Lets say you had just had an argument with someone.  Its likely that much of your attention is still placed upon the situation, the argument.  This will mean that your potent energy is attached to something that has already happened and therefore continues to keep the argument alive.

Your attention literally feeds the good and bad experiences that you have in life.  I know this to be true for me, as my life unfolded with different experiences I have learnt to realise I was creating those "dramas" through where I was placing my attention!   Attention feeds the wolf, the thought or the emotion.

When we are awake - truly awake not just moving about life.  We are then in a situation where we are responsible for our attention.  Then the power of attention begins to reveal itself.

When I do the 100 breaths I get to discipline my attention to understand its habits and I get to begin to focus with purposeful intent as I move through life.


The power of the breath!
The power of attention!
The power of you in your awakened state is devastatingly amazing!

Breathe freely my friend
Joy your Ride

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Day 3 100 Freedom Breaths

3 February 2012

I'm vastly interested right now in the environment within our bodies and outside of ourselves.

Today my 100 breaths lead me to notice the environment of my inner being as I breathe.   Each breath as it circulated gently pulled from my belly instead of from my nose, no force, simply inhaling and exhaling allowed me to be aware of myself, and yet I couldn't truly discover where I started and finished, for as these breaths continued to circulate, it was as though even though I was aware of me - the space, was completely un-solid!   Yet I have a body right!  Where did it disappear within the space of the breath?  Even though it was momentarily.

You have a body right?  You do - I see yours and other all of the time - your body, my body, your thoughts and my thoughts interacting as we communicate, your emotions expressed through how you are being, my emotions expressed through how I'm being, yet as each breath circulated there were moments where those thoughts, emotions and body were invisible, and only space occurred.  Even now as I'm writing I can re-experience this moment over and over again, yet my hands continue to type and words continue to form onto the screen in front of me.  Gosh we are multiplicity in action.

So questions for direction comes to mind....for what purpose have we individualised?   For what purpose have I seen myself as such a separate individual?  For what purpose have I rolled around in my own dramas?  For what purpose have I witnessed and experienced such inconsequential things that I made to be so dramatic or allowed to effect me so strongly?  For what purpose has this been unfolding?

A lovely moment occurred to me just now, is it really air that I'm breathing?   I remember the first Matrix movie where the question is raised. When Morphious asked Neo  "Do you think that's air your breathing?"  Oh I know your thinking that's a movie.  So is our lives they are clusters of visual, auditory and emotive senses all placed together in one place for an experience to be had.

What if the breath we breathe is the oneness?

What if the "air" as a label is the oneness the space of potentiality the connectedness occurring continuously always in one moment.  Oh of course it is!....perhaps.

The air and energies within which we move, and play are all full of information from across our planet, potential experiences, potent moments to become...

For what are we/I becoming?  Where is our future leading to?  What are we creating within our singular and collective space?   Is this by accident, or are we becoming conscious enough to trust our inner authenticity, our inner knowingness?

Much to ponder....many breaths to take
So thats my musings from today's 100 Breaths.
Joy Your Ride!

Are You Ready to commit to your own Transformation?

Its easy - Breath
Its Free- Its Air
Its Fun - Be creative
Its Life - Now just deliberate